Me [M] banging a cute blonde [F] at her house on the second meet

I saw a girl for the 2nd time a few nights ago and wanted to share what we got up to. There is nothing too crazy here except maybe for the ass play. Just good dirty sex.

Context: we met on a platform meant mostly for people wanting to try out fanatasies or kinks. I just figured it’d be a good place to meet horny girls during lockdown (and I always found Tinder had such a low RoI). The girl is a blonde, maybe 5’10, 70kg but like even if she isn’t super skinny it is distributed really well on her and importantly (for me) she has a small ass.

Anyway, the first time we met, after we’d had sex (pretty standard missionary, but we both came, so all good), she told me how she really enjoyed anal and all kinds of ass play, so I figured tonight I would for sure fuck her ass.

Got to her place and immediately noticed she’s wearing strapless stockings (actually I prefer the ones with straps, both both types are super hot), a white skirt and a button up blouse that is hanging half open. We drank some wine and started kissing.

I [M] (29) fingered a stranger [F] (29) at a house party of a friend, while others were sleeping

This happened a while ago, so we were younger then, but it’s still in my memory and even lead to a brief relationship (3 months) with the girl.

Anyways, I was doing a kind of working/travel year in Germany and had seveal (German) friends spread all over from my times studing. One of them was having a birthday party and invited me, so after driving around 8 hours I got there, looked around the city a bit, then general chit chat at the party, etc. Nothing too special.

Anyways me and the girl are chatting from time to time during the night. One thing I remember is (when asked) jokingly saying that I didn’t have a girlfriend at the time because I found German girls too strict, which was sort of half joke but also half true. I only realised years later what kind of effect this “disqualification” stuff can have on the opposite sex.

After that comment I got the usual “no thats not true” but my friend (F[30]) and her were stuck to me the whole night chatting and telling my how German girls make good girlfriends (true actually!).