Cyberotic [F26/F22, robot girl]

The Garden of Venus was the most popular brothel in the Sol System. The brothel employs and serves all clientele, of all races, genders, and sexualities. From the hermaphroditic reptilians known as the Drac to the centaur-like Ora to the Humans that first colonized Sol II, everyone was welcomed to the Garden of the goddess of love.

That being said, Amelia Dité, the human owner of the Garden, was confronted with something she wasn’t expecting. Sitting across from her desk was what resembled a human woman. She wore a blonde wig and a red, strapless dress, showing of her C cup breast. Her eyes glowed yellow and her skin was a deep black nylon. This was Cyla, the cyborg, and she was applying to become a prostitute. While it’s not unheard of a cyborg getting into sex work, Amelia had on of her eyes replaced with cybernetics, but Cyla was a full robot with only a brain left.

“Something wrong Ms. Dité?” Cyla asked in a soft but metallic sounding voice.

“Uhh, nothing is wrong. On paper at least.” Amelia said. “I just feel like your metal chassis may be a bit of a turn off to some clients.”

Dragon in the Dungeon Chapter 4: A Burning Chill [F122/F29/F122] [monster]

Chapter [1](, [2](, [3](

Haky the hobgoblin stood at the entrance of a cave, bored out of her mind. The cave has already been “cleared” by adventurers, and it’s too out of the way for an average traveller to come across, so the only thing that she had to keep an eye out for are wild animals looking to settle for the night. But whatever, boss’s orders, and you don’t say no to Mistress Evialyn.

The only person Haky saw was the human barmaid that tagged along with that blue dragon and her champion. She never learned her name, but she made a dame good mead. Apparently she uses special honey and that was the reason she had to leave for the day. Totally not to have a gangbang with the orc guards she left with. Haky totally never found her getting spit-roasted by two massive green dicks. And Haky didn’t watch and masterbated to it.

She had trouble to not think about the completely imaginary situation. Work is not the place to get hot and bothered.

In the distance, the five-foot green woman saw something she wasn’t expecting. A well-dressed lady. Way too fancy for a member of Evialyn the dragon’s little army.

Categorized as Erotica

A Dragon in the Dungeon Chapter 3: Green with Envy [F24/F124/F37] [femdom, lactation, monster girl]

Chapter [1](, [2](

Falia awoke later than usual. Normally, Master Evialyn would wake her human champion with a kiss on the lips or a kiss on the lips. This time, however, the brown elf with green scales on her neck was nowhere in sight.

Crawling out of a pile of gold coins within Evialyn’s underwater horde, Falia swam to the two’s shared drawers (recently stolen from a dwarf king).

Her Master enchanted Falia’s clothing to be waterproof, even when underwater, and allowed her to borrow her clothes. Despite this kindness, Falia decided to wear her own simple tunic and pants that day. It’s not like she didn’t enjoyed her Master’s fashion sense, it’s just that Falia was extremely modest in comparison. For example, from the only missing clothing was a small silk loincloth that barely covered Evialyn’s ass and two white pasties. Falia doesn’t even believe that her Master owns a pair of underwear.

The adventurer swam out of her shared room up out of the pool. Pulling herself into the lair’s main chamber, Falia saw Mara, the blue dragon, playing music on a makeshift stage to a crowd of orcs, goblins, and beast-men who have been recruited into Evialyn’s service.

A Dragon in the Dungeon Chapter 2: The Blue Bard (F24,F29,F34)

[Chapter 1](

It’s been a week since the simple human fighter first enter the dungeon that became her new home. Back then, she was wearing simple garbs and carried a dull sword. Now, Falia was wearing ornate plate armor fit to her body perfectly and wielded a rapier fit for a king.

Falia’s master, Evialyn, was one of the dragon goddess Tiamat’s five princesses. The descendants of her high priest who hold a piece of her power. As the eldest, it is Evialyn’s duty to find the princesses and unite them as family (metaphorically, non of them were related by blood). Of course, being imprisoned for a century has weaken Evialyn’s powers, limiting her ability to search. It was also entirely possible that the other princesses have since died and passed down their power to someone else, so pervious bonds are out the window. All they got was a magic orb that gave a general location of each princess.

So, it was decided that Evialyn would stay home and regain her powers as she telepathically lead Falia with the orb.

A Dragon in the Dungeon [F24/F124] [Lactation]

Falia was your standard human fighter. A pale skinned brunette wearing chain-mail armor and carrying a simple steel sword and shield. While this doesn’t mean she lacks the abilities or experience to be a successful adventurer, she does have trouble sticking out amongst the elven druids and tiefling rogues.

Falia was just one of five adventurers hired to clear out recently discovered goblin cave. Nothing new for her, and Falia has worked with the other four before, though they weren’t particularly close any of her coworkers.

The party’s rogue scouted ahead, with the druid, wizard, and barbarian following. Falia took the rear, to help prevent any ambushes from particular stealthy goblins. While this was an important role, this usually meant she was the last to the fight, and the last to claim any loot.

The party reached a fork in the cave. Falia looked back to make sure they weren’t being stalked, not noticing the rest of her group running down one of the tunnels. By the time she turned around, she was all alone.

Making a quick guess, Falia stepped down the left hallway. Almost immediately, the floor gave away, and Falia slid down the hole.