Cross Country [M27/M27]

I’m certainly the least sociable person of our friend’s group, rarely asked to hang out, rarely invited in trips, so it was a surprise when a friend of a friend invited me to spend the weekend with them to attend an event for something we both heavily enjoy; even more when I’ve only met them a couple of times: Aiden. I certainly wasn’t mad he did, I find him incredibly handsome and sexy, and getting to spend more time with them, to see what could blossom between us, I took the invitation. His piercing eyes of green dazzle when he entered a room, and his always fashionable attire helped highlight his amazing form.

I spent the next few months tracking flights and finally found a budget friendly flight, booked and was ready for a couple of months later when the days would come. Due to their job, trying to chat beforehand was nigh impossible, but I got their flight info and saw they were expected in around the same time as I was although they would be flying from a different city due to work. We planned to meet up outside one another’s gate (of whomever got their last) and share a car to the hotel and catch up. As the big day finally arrived, having checked in online the night before, I got the terminal and seated on the plane when a text come through:

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Boss’ Day Off

Driving into work in winter weather where I live is always a crapshoot. It rarely freezes in NC, and when it does, everything typically gets shut down and people forget how to drive in the bad weather, so we tend to account for extra time with slower driving and potential accidents. As I’m pulling up the office, the lot is light on cars, making me think I’m the one schmuck who risked his neck to come in. Most curious is the lack of my boss’ car, as he’s usually first in, last out, and rarely takes days off, so his absence is interesting.

As I get in and warm up, an hour passes and he’s still not there, and his assistant isn’t either, but I still focus on my duties. My phone lights up with a text from the boss himself asking if I made it in okay. I reply “yeah, but I’m practically the only one here today! 😅

The Roommate [M23/M25]

Fresh out of college, and ready to begin a career, my brazeness to move away from home put me somewhere new and unfamiliar. My naïveté about how easy it is to actually land a job and begin life in a area placed me in a situation where I bit off more than I could chew living on my own. I had found a place to stay, but my job search wasn’t as fruitful and I was hemorrhaging money with my new place. It came to it be that I would have to share my apartment with a random guy in a new town. Posting an ad online is never easy and it’s nerve-wracking to think you’re going to be sharing your space with someone you know next-to-nothing about. Their hobbies, their work and home life split, their views on your sexuality; these are all things we perhaps don’t consider but definitely realize when they come around.

After a few weeks and panic setting in, I’m just about to give up when I talk to one last applicant and we meet for coffee to get to know each other. I’m in the shop waiting when my phone vibrates and a text flashes “I here?” And I raise an eyebrow before a second text comes in with “U* here? Sorry, stupid autocorrect/typing too fast!”

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Putting the “Lay” in Delay [M31/M30]

I abhor air travel. It’s stressful, it’s crowded, it can be costly, and it’s just not fun. I hypocritically still use it because it’s the best option with few alternatives, but should the US get a light speed rail system in my time I’d heavily consider it a better alternative.

All of this runs through my mind every time I’m in line at security and my bags are checked. I make it through TSA and grab my shoes to put them back on, when my peripheral catches the glimpse of the hottest man I’d see in months get up from putting his shoes back on across the terminal. As others block my view passing by, once the view is clear, he’s gone and I’m left with a “what could have been” memory.

Picking up my bag, I wander to my gate, grabbing a water at the store, and getting to check-in kicking my feet up while I wait. A quarter hour passes and announcement is made that the flight will be delayed indefinitely, and as this was the last available flight of the day, free hotel compensation will be offered to all applicable. I groan and roll my eyes in annoyance and frustration, but as I need to get this flight, I take up the offer, get my free hotel, and head over there.

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It’s a Shore Thing [M37/M33]

“Ah, gorgeous!” I declare as I look out over the beach taking in the sights and sounds from my hotel. Delaying the inevitable, I unpack my bag and quickly change into my beachwear: my blue speedos which have also brought me luck. It hugs in all the right places, showcases in just the right way, and leave my uncut member highlighted for the onlookers.

I snap a few selfies and post online then throw my shades on and head down to the beach to feed the sand between my toes. The sun is hitting hard, but thankfully there is a lot of eye candy on the shoreline to distract from the heat. It’s not long before I find a place to camp out and sprawl myself to get in some sun. The music is doing its best, but the noise around me is enticing and urging me to scope it out.

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