Boss’ Day Off

Driving into work in winter weather where I live is always a crapshoot. It rarely freezes in NC, and when it does, everything typically gets shut down and people forget how to drive in the bad weather, so we tend to account for extra time with slower driving and potential accidents. As I’m pulling up the office, the lot is light on cars, making me think I’m the one schmuck who risked his neck to come in. Most curious is the lack of my boss’ car, as he’s usually first in, last out, and rarely takes days off, so his absence is interesting.

As I get in and warm up, an hour passes and he’s still not there, and his assistant isn’t either, but I still focus on my duties. My phone lights up with a text from the boss himself asking if I made it in okay. I reply “yeah, but I’m practically the only one here today! 😅

I notice this ellipses prompt of him typing a response pop up and go away repeatedly until it finally goes away and I put my phone down and get back to work. 15 minutes later I’m getting some water from the break room and my phone lights up again. “New pic from Jacob”. I raise my eyebrow in curiosity, wondering what pic he could be sending, but I open the text and am greeted with his hand gripping his cock through his straining white briefs.

I spit my water out and begin panicking and determining what has just occurred. “Was I the intended recipient”, “Did my boss REALLY just text me that?”, “Nice fucking bulge!!” I begin to reply back, hands shaking, but before I can type something coherent, another text comes through of him using my name to “get to my house immediately!”

Not fully sure of what’s happening, I rush back to my desk, shut down my PC, and grab my bag; but then I pause and reply back with “really”? And as I’m sitting at my desk, pondering the ramifications of all of this, he replies with another pic, this one showcasing his fully exposed cock and ass. I jump up from my desk and I can’t pull my keys out fast enough without fumbling them and eventually get out of the office and in my car to begin my drive to his place. I’m still adhering to the weather-impacted roads, but my dick is throbbing as my mind can’t erase the pics on my phone.

I make it to his house and ring the doorbell, a text flashes “come on in!”, and I open the door to a fire crackling den with music leading me upstairs. I drop my bags and head upstairs, head into his bedroom to find him sprawled in his briefs, writhing and slowly dry humping his bed. He turns his head, gazes at me, bites his lip and motions me to join his motions.

I climb atop the mattress and place my hands on his cotton-covered ass, smelling his musk and reaching a hand around to his dick. Kneading his beautiful buns with one hand, running fingers down his crack, my other hand’s fingers feel the precum that’s formed around his dick head, and he’s now moaning with his head buried in his pillow. I move his briefs to expose his hole and begin exploring it with my tongue. His beefy legs around my waist, he’s squirming and thrusting his hole with every lick, and as I return for some more air, he turns over, giving me full access to his pulsing cock whose head is breaching the waistband. I lick from balls to tip through his underwear, circling the tip and tasting him.

His hand strokes my hair as I pull his briefs down and take his thick 6 inches in my mouth. He chuckled with ecstasy as I slurp and gulp him, him cock dripping with saliva. As I gasp with each small break, he smiles at me while tweaking his nipples. My eyes run down his body from his beautiful hazel eyes, his adorable chin and chest, one free hand grazing over his abs. His eyes close and his moans increase, and I can feel he’s close to climax. As he heavily pants, I stroke his member a couple more times before his shaft bursts with his thick liquid covering his upper chest and chin. He chest heaves and he smiles at me in a way of saying “great job”.

I reach up to give him a kiss and I step away to grab a towel to clean up our little mess, but when I return, he’s taking the towel from my hand, but replacing it with a condom and bottle of lube. I say “are you sure?” He just gives that knowing look again and once he’s wiped down, he pulls me into him and we share a kiss. He’s an amazing kisser, his tongue wrestles mine and saliva swaps before we’re both gasping for air. He pushes me back onto the bed and begins kissing down my body.

He licks my chest, circling my nipples while his hands rub my cock. As he nuzzles my cock though my underwear, my eyes close, a smile forms across my face, and he begins giving me the same pleasure in offered him. I’m still rock hard but he’s still teasing and lightly licking my balls. His hot breath has me moaning, until he finally releases my dick from my underwear and he begins sucking and slurping; returning the work I did to him, but on another level.

He gives my dick a rest for a bit as he focuses on my balls and eventually my ass. His tongue isn’t only competent with kissing, he can explore a hole with the greatest of talents, as my head is dizzy with passion from how he works. His tongue thrusts and licks, wetting my hole, and he begins rubbing his dick along my hole. I can feel the full shaft teasing me, not precum spilling onto my hole, before he grabs one of the condoms and the lube. He slides it on and lubes his cock and my hole before he kisses me, whispers if I’m ready, and slowly slides into me. I shudder upon the first insertion, but he’s patient and takes his time.

We’ve eventually find a rhythm and we’re fucking smoothly and feeling him with every thrust has me moaning with each pound as his balls slap my ass. Eventually he showcases his muscular talents and lifts me up, continuing to thrust into me. Occasionally his dick slides out, but that just means I get to feel the sensation of his entering me again. In this new position, our tongues dance in each other’s mouths again, and he pulls me close, my cock rubbing against his abs. With the combination of his dick inside me and my dick grinding against his body, I cannot hold it in any further and my loads shoots in between us.

He chuckles and places me down on the bed, turns me over, and resumes pounding me. With my ass in the air and feeling him thrust faster, his breathing tells me he’s close again and he pulls out, throws the condom off, and begins furiously stroking his cock. His sweaty body glistens from the sun breaking through the blinds, and his cock explodes once again across my body. After he finishes dripping out every drop, he begins cleaning up his mess. He wipes me down with the towel, and pulls me into his shower. We share a quick wash, playfully teasing each other (I can’t believe he’s already getting hard again) but after we dry off, he lets me borrow a pair of underwear before he invites me to cuddle in bed with him. I join him, he takes the position of the little spoon, and my dick finds its holster in his ass as we fall asleep. I cannot wait until the next snow day!
