V-Day Meetup with Reddit Boyfriend [M35/F25][valentines day][online relationship][mutual masturbation][cunnilingus][mating press][creampie] mentions of [good girl][slut]

*Sooo this is a fiction inspired by a mutual fantasy I’ve had with someone. A little late but thought it would be perfect for everyone on here who celebrated/still celebrating V-day on Reddit. Hope you enjoy!*

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“Can’t wait to see you babe. Have a safe flight,” his message read while I wait for boarding.

I have been talking to this guy I met on Reddit for a few months now. I’m not gonna get into detail on how we started talking but what I can really say is we hit it off. We lived pretty far from each other though, so we always fantasized about meeting in real life.

We decided to make it happen today on Valentine’s Day and meet halfway and spend the rest of the week together.

I arrived few hours later and looked around the crowd for him. He arrived earlier than me and told me he’ll pick me up with a car he rented. I couldn’t spot him and I was starting to get nervous thinking he bailed out on me.

“Hi, are you looking for someone?”

I turned around to see him standing behind me with flowers in his hand. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, “So I see you’re a real person.”

He chuckled, “You believe me now?”

I shrugged then he handed me the flowers saying, “These are for you.”

“Thank you. They’re beautiful,” pretty sure I’m blushing at this point.

“Not more than you,” he said holding an eye contact with me.

“Good. I hope this is what you expected,” I softly spoke staring back at his eyes.

“Nah, you’re alright,” he smirked teasing me.

I chuckled and lightly hit his arm, “Oh yeah?”

He took a step closer to me and whispered, “Yeah or I can just tell you the things I wanna do to you right now. I’m holding back.”

We’ve done a lot of things online and hearing him say this to me in real life makes my knees weak. I decided to tease him back, just as how I would if we were just chatting, “I’m listening.”

He stared at me with an impressed look on his face, “Do you wanna get out of here?”

– – –

We got into the car and decided to head to the hotel first before going out again for dinner.

For a few minutes we were silent but fidgety. I am nervous. He is nervous. I’m sure of that.

He finally said something glancing at me for a bit, “So, um, how was your flight?”

“It was okay. A kid was crying the entire time but other than that all fine. How bout yours?”

“All good, no crying kids,” he smiled at me and I notice his eyes trailed down my thighs.

I guess I was thinking too much and wasn’t able to respond so he said, “Hey baby, you okay? Are you nervous?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m okay. But yeah, a little nervous. And excited,” I mumbled fixing my hair out of habit.

“You’re fine. What are you excited about?” He asked without looking at me.

“Us..hanging out and doing things together,” I answered knowing well he’s trying to loosen me up.

He nodded with a smile on his face, “Mhmm, what kind of things are we talking about here babe?”

I blushed way too hard this time and kinda confused at how my confidence over chat was seemingly absent at this moment where he’s right here beside me, “I don’t know. I’m innocent. You tell me.”

“Oh really? Remind me again how you got me to cum for you last night when we already agreed to sleep early,” he spoke while running his fingers on my thigh.

“I sent you a video,” I muttered breathing heavily from being so turned on.

He resumed driving and asked, “Mhmm, what was in it?”

“Me touching myself,” I shyly answered.

“Doesn’t sound too innocent for me,” he smirked inching his fingers towards my inner thigh.

“God I want you so bad,” I murmured, giving in while staring at him.

He stopped touching me then said, “Good girl. You’ll have me in a few minutes. Be patient.”

– – –

I stood beside him while he talked to the lady at the reception. I was so aroused at this point I cannot comprehend what they were talking about. I caught myself staring at his hands while his voice lingered in my ears.

“Babe,” I snapped out of it and realized he was calling me for the nth time.

“Still nervous? How are you feeling now?” He asked me rubbing my arms looking a bit worried.

“I’m okay I’m just really. . .horny,” I spilled which I kinda regretted right after I said it. I have a high libido and he knows that so it’s true I have nothing to hide but sometimes I don’t want it to come out as it’s all I think about.

“Oh there it is. Let’s go now we don’t wanna make out in front of all these people don’t we,” he guided me by my waist while carrying my luggage.

We went inside an empty elevator which quickly got packed mostly by couples. He was leaning at a back corner and I was standing in front of him so I decided to tease him a little. I inched backwards towards him until my ass sits under his crotch. He’s around 8 inches taller than me and I’m wearing sneakers so I realized I cannot grind against him without tiptoeing.

He obviously realized what I was trying to do and wrapped his free hand on my lower tummy to pull me a bit more to him and he slid his body down a little to meet my ass then whispered to my ear, “Can you feel how hard you make me?”

I slowly rubbed against his hard-on trying my best to make the tiniest movement to not get attention from others.

He breathed heavily and moved his hand lower until it’s resting just half an inch away from where my slit starts. I probably breathed heavily from the anticipation too, I don’t know for sure. All I know is I need to have sex with him right now and I’m gonna lose my mind with how slow this elevator moves.

Someone, I assume it was the mid-40’s looking woman beside me, cleared her throat to remind the two of us that we’re not in our room yet.

I immediately stopped moving but he did not let go of me so I had to feel him for another full minute until we had to come out.

We got to our room at last and as soon as the door closed, my bags and our coats were on the floor. He grabbed me by my waist and pinned me against the door then we started aggressively eating each other’s mouths.

For a minute, the room was filled with nothing but kissing noises, soft moans, heavy breathes and hands all over until he pulled away, “You have no idea how much I want you right now.”

We hold eye contact for a bit then got back to kissing while I reached down to unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants. His hands made their way inside my shirt making contact with my breasts, which he groped making him mutter, “Oh fuck.”

He then helped me and pulled his pants down hurriedly while I took my top off. I stared at his cock for a second, salivated at the sight of it. He looked so hard and it made me wet even more than I already am.

I wasted no time and began stroking him. He let out a deep moan as my thumb hits his tip, pre-cum sticking on it. I sucked it off my thumb and whispered, “You taste good baby.”

He kissed me and continued moaning in my mouth while I slowly move my hand up and down his shaft. He then got back to groping my tits and playing with my nipples.

He then started moving down my neck making his cock slip off my hand. While he sucked my nipples, I got really impatient and wanted him to start fucking me, “Please fuck me baby. I need you.”

“No, not yet, I need to taste you first. Lie on the bed and touch yourself for me,” he instructed to which I followed instantly. I quickly took my pants off and laid on the bed. With my feet up in the air, I spread my legs open and touched myself.

He walked towards me stroking himself. He looked so good doing that I felt my pussy opening up for him. I’ve always liked watching him stroke himself and with him standing in front of me doing the same feels unreal to me.

“Ugh, fuck, how are you so hot,” I moaned while slowly rubbing circles around my clit.

He smirked then asked, “Does it feel good babe? Touching yourself in front of me? Because goddamn I’m so turned on stroking myself for you.”

“Yes!” I groaned rolling my eyes back at how good this feels.

“Rub your clit and do it faster. I’ll follow your pace,” he teased.

I did so and immediately felt my orgasm growing inside my core, “I can’t babe I’m getting close already please fuck me.”

“Alright, you’ve been a good girl,” he said and kneeled at the edge of the bed pulling me by my thighs.

I stared at him as his tongue licked my entire slit causing my legs to shake as pleasure shot through my whole body.

He then played with my clit with his middle finger, tapping it gently, “It’s swollen. Should I suck it?”

“You’re gonna make me cum, I swear,” I tilted my head back anticipating his next move.

“Then cum, I see no problem with that,” he said before sucking my clit and pushing his middle finger inside me.

I instinctively moved my hips and grabbed his hair while he ate and fingered me. I was moaning my throat out at how good it feels, my hips was jerking but he was holding me down with great strength and just as expected, I knew I would cum any second if he continues, “Babe, please I want you to cum with me. Let’s fuck please.”

“Okay baby,” he stopped and quickly slid his cock inside me. He thrusted his hips in a fast pace while my legs rested on his shoulders.

“Oh fuck! Baby!” I moaned watching his cock pumping in and out of me.

He then pressed down his body on top of me fucking me harder and deeper in this position.

I watched his face get filled with pleasure, his eyes full of lust as he stared at me groaning, “Your pussy feels too good baby. I don’t know if I—fuck, I’m so close.“

I couldn’t let my words out. My throat’s tightening and I can feel my orgasm coming through. I clenched my pussy around his cock making him moan loudly, “Fuck that’s it. Right there baby. Cum with me. I’m gonna cum inside you okay?”

I nodded my head with a pleading look in my face. His hips pounded into me hurriedly chasing the orgasm we both dreamt of sharing in real life.

He moaned so loud he almost screamed burying his cock in me. I felt his cum bursting inside meeting my own juices as I came with him.

“Fuck yes!” I whimpered or maybe I didn’t, I wasn’t sure if words came out. My eyes rolled back, my back arched, my legs trembled and my body convulsed while he didn’t stop moving his cock in and out of me.

His face was so red and the veins on his forehead was about to pop. He mouthed, “Fuck,” before kissing me passionately.

He pulled his mouth away and we both panted. He was still inside me pumping ever so slowly making our cum leak out of me every time he pulls.

He stared at me and whispered, “Was it good?”

“Yes baby,” I softly replied holding eye contact with him.

“You’re amazing,” he spoke before kissing me again.

He stopped moving and said, “Our dinner reservation is in an hour.”

“I guess we have time to do it again,” I teased rubbing his back gently.

He smiled, “Such a slut.”

I hit his arm lightly before he pulled out and stood at the edge of the bed, “I’ll get you water first.”

“Wait,” I muttered crawling on my knees towards him.

I put his cock in my mouth and sucked all of the juices around it.

He groaned with a grin on his face, “You know I can spend the rest of this trip in this hotel fucking you.”

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^(please do not reproduce ty)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/112z5fd/vday_meetup_with_reddit_boyfriend