Control [MF] [BDSM]

As I stood beside the bed, I think I understood the appeal of being in charge for the first time.

He stared up at me expectantly, his arms stretched out and attached to the posts of the headboard by simple, metal handcuffs. I had always thought that I would be doing something like this in a full-on dominatrix get-up; but, instead, I stood in front of him in one of his t-shirts and my panties. I tilted my head slightly, smiling down at him shyly as I knelt on the mattress next to his torso.

“Well?” he asked expectantly. I raised an eyebrow.

“Is there something that you’re waiting for?” I volleyed back, feigning ignorance.

He narrowed his eyes at me, and I felt my nipples tighten, creating points under the fabric of my shirt. It’s the look he gives me before I’m about to not be able to sit comfortably for a day. The one where I know I’m about to get a handprint on my ass and bitemarks on my chest.

My Office Crush, Part 7 [MF]

You know, despite having fairly lengthy dry spells in the past, after one week of not seeing him, I was like a woman gone mad. We had teased each other all week, and I was at the end of my rope. The week had been so exhausting that I couldn’t even masturbate, so I spent the entire week craving something that wasn’t going to happen. I was nearly twitching a hole into the passenger’s seat of the car as I politely nodded along to whatever my coworker was saying.

Every small buzz in my lap felt like a small piece of salvation, reminding me that he was just as eager to see me as I was to see him. I read his most recent message and smiled down at my phone. The text was simple enough – it was asking me if I were free tonight, assuming we didn’t get back too late. His desire to see me gave me small butterflies in my stomach, even if I had to temper them down by reminding myself that this was just about sex.

Anticipation [MF]

I knelt and I waited, as I had been instructed to do.

I couldn’t tell you how long had passed that I was kneeling, naked, in the dark room. There were no windows, and the door was firmly shut, so there wasn’t anything tangible for me to use to discern the passing of time. I heard him moving about beyond the door, and he knew I could hear him.

He wasn’t doing anything important, mind you. There were a few times where I could clearly hear him walking up to the door, standing there for a moment, and then turning to walk in the opposite direction. He knew that I was acutely aware of everything he was doing beyond the door and how my heartrate sped up every time I thought he was going to turn the doorknob and enter.

So, I waited.

My Office Crush, Part 6 [MF]

I threw my arm over my eyes dramatically, sinking further into his sofa as I whined, “The worst! The absolute worst!”

“You know how she is,” he sighed sympathetically, his hand rubbing my bent knee over my leggings. “She has the social graces of a behemoth.”

“They were probably more refined than she is,” I pouted, resisting the urge to smile. “You don’t have to spend a week in a hotel with her. The shrill voice. The constant questions. The perfume – oh god, the perfume! – I’m going to suffocate.”

He laughed at my antics and I lifted my arm slightly to peek at him. I nestled back against the armrest of the couch and nudged his leg with my foot gently, prodding him to resume his comforting leg rub.

“You know what this means,” I started, frowning a bit as I realized, “I won’t be here next week. That’ll be the first Friday in a few months that we’ll miss. I’m disappointed.”

He tilted his head slightly, thinking for a moment. “Well, it’ll be alright. You’ll just need to keep me updated on what thigh highs are getting worn on each day. Photos aren’t necessary, but they’re certainly welcomed.”

Meetings [MF] [Oral]

There is an incredible moment right before she moves her head forward.

She looks up at you, eyes full of trust and desire, with her lips parted and her tongue sticking out, waiting for you. If you could frame that image, you would. Her pink lips have a slight sheen of spit from when she licked them as you pulled your cock out for her. She is kneeling in front of you, knees slightly apart, and your focus is singularly on her.

Of course, your attention is what she wanted when she crawled into your office and knelt next to your desk as you finished up a teleconference. You stroked her hair as she waited, nodding at her to give her permission to run her small hands over your inner thighs. Your voice hitched slightly as you felt her hand brush over your cock while you explained something to a colleague, and you gave her a warning look. She smiled coyly and brushed her hand over it again, but this time she did it more firmly.

Welcome Home [MF]

Walking in, he had no idea what was about to hit him.

I had been teasing myself all day waiting for him to get home, knowing that he was going to be working late that night. So, I woke up and played with my nipples until my entire body felt like it was on fire, and the only way that the fire would be quenched is if I allowed myself to touch my clit. I disregarded what my body wanted in favor of letting myself suffer through it.

There was a certain appeal to not giving in: my clit throbbing between my legs as I pinch and pull on my nipples, moaning and squirming with need, thinking about what he would do if it were his hands on me instead of my own. My body would be alive with pleasure, all synapses firing with no end in sight.

Morning Light [MF]

In the morning light, her skin looks as soft as you know it feels.

Her pale, flushed form looks romantic against the sheets that you both ruined the night before, and she is looking at you inquisitively as you stand at the foot of the bed, impassively watching her. You raise an eyebrow at her – a silent command that she should continue what you’ve told her to do.

She takes a deep breath, looking every bit as innocent as you know she isn’t. This woman is the same person who has begged you to cum on her face, but she is giving you a coquettish look like she has never done this before. The contrast of her feigned innocence and what you know she’s capable of causes your cock to begin hardening. You cross your arms over your chest, an intimidating figure staring down at her, and she settles onto her back.

Something Different [MF]

The weather outside is miserable for anything other than being inside. It’s rainy, cold, and there are rare thunderclaps off in the distance. After a morning filled with errands, we decide to get back into bed for a nap. You strip down to your boxers immediately. I roll my eyes at you, and I pull on the t-shirt that you took off.

“I don’t understand how you sleep in so much clothing,” you say as you settle into the bed. You look me up and down as I crawl in beside you.

“You act like I’m wearing a lot,” I scoff. I’m only in your shirt and a pair of panties, but you grumble anyway. “Stop being ridiculous.”

We lay on our sides, smiling at each other as we settle in. We’re completely comfortable, just listening to the rain as you reach up and brush some of my hair back from my face. It feels soft and sweet, almost like being a teenager again and finding out that your crush likes you back. I let out a giggle at the sharp contrast between how this feels and what I know we’ve done in this bed.

The Fantasy [Part 2, Can Stand Alone] [CNC] [MF]

I ran my hands over my thighs, simultaneously smoothing the material of my pants and drying my palms. My nerves were small butterflies in my stomach, and I was waiting patiently for my day to end.

The shuffling of papers and clothing alerted me that people had started leaving for the day, and I would soon be making the same trek as them down to the parking structure beneath our building. On their way out, people stopped at my desk and chatted with me casually. If you asked me to recall anything that they had said, I wouldn’t have the faintest clue. All I could think about was that I was about to have another fantasy play out in the dark, echoing garage in the basement, and how these people did not even have the faintest clue.

So, I smiled my most innocent smile at them and endured the typical variety of jokes about how we all hate working for a living.

As soon as they all left, I scurried into the bathroom and immediately began changing. He had been very specific when it came to what I was going to be wearing, and I didn’t want to disappoint him. Just the thought of him growling a condescending “good girl” into my ear had me ready to go.

Morning Light [MF]

In the morning light, her skin looks as soft as you know it feels.

Her pale, flushed form looks romantic against the sheets that you both ruined the night before, and she is looking at you inquisitively as you stand at the foot of the bed, impassively watching her. You raise an eyebrow at her – a silent command that she should continue what you’ve told her to do.

She takes a deep breath, looking every bit as innocent as you know she isn’t. This woman is the same person who has begged you to cum on her face, but she is giving you a coquettish look like she has never done this before. The contrast of her feigned innocence and what you know she’s capable of causes your cock to begin hardening. You cross your arms over your chest, an intimidating figure staring down at her, and she settles onto her back.