this is long but I wanted to share and know if anyone else had something so sweet with a complete stranger.
3 years ago, I was walking my friend to bus station when two tourists came to us asking how to get to city’s centre. They said they’re a football team having bro holidays before one guy’s wedding, visiting countries where flight tickets were cheap. They wanted us to come with them but we refused, my friend had to move next day so she had a lot of packing to do and I just weren’t feeling that social.
They walked away, her bus arrived, we hugged and I guess they heard us say goodbyes cause once they saw I was still there, they beckoned me to come again and tried to get me to go with them. I told them I wasn’t feeling it, but suggested I could join them next day, show around the town and they agreed.
One of them (let’s say George) gave me the other’s (Marco) number and told me to text him so we can make plans tomorrow. I did and he said he’d hit me up next day.