Imagine this.
Imagine that you’re part of a friend group, a very close friend group, of two guys and three girls. Now imagine you’ve been close friends for maybe 15 years, since early high school, and imagine that this is just an incredibly normal, though somewhat nerdy and academically successful, group of friends.
Imagine that you’re the shyest, nerdiest guy in the group, and naturally, you’ve grown up maybe fantasizing about any – or all – of the three girls in the group on and off over a long period of friendship. That would be natural, right?
Now imagine there’s a fourth girl, who isn’t a part of the main group, but is very close friends with a few of you from the group, and very familiar with it. She occasionally joins you and hangs out as well.
Now imagine one of the three girls in your group has an older sister. She’s quite different to the rest of you, not really nerdy at all, more outgoing and social, more popular during high school, but now that you’re all older she’s chilled out and is super nice and friendly with your group whenever she sees you, which she does from time to time because of her sister.