The best friends [MF]

“John, **John!!!**” someone called out. John squinted to see a red headed girl charging towards him. Before he could react, she jumped to hug him which almost caused them to collapse. Lily squealed, “**you’re back!** three years… John, three fucking years… I’ve missed you so *very* much.”

Lily could barely contain her excitement and was grinning from cheek to cheek. She took a step back and looked him over. “You’ve grown into a fine young man… mister. How many dames have you slain with those good looks… huh?”, she teased.

“Lily… you don’t look like a *boy* anymore”, he said cheekily.

“**Hey!!** Watch it shorty… I may look… uh… more feminine now but I can still flatten you”, she threatened as she punched him in the shoulder. John held his hands up as a gesture of surrender.

After several minutes of nostalgic conversation Lily invited John to hang out with her friend that evening. He politely declined since wanted to rest and spend some time with his grandmother.

Empire of Sin – Part 2 [MF]

Neil woke up the next day to more messages from Brittany.

Brittany: I won’t disappoint.

Brittany: awake?

Brittany: I guess you fell asleep. Muah good night <3

He ignored her for the next few days, but she continued sending him simple greeting messages every morning and evening. Thursday night he finally decided to message back.

After exchanging some pleasantries, he got down to business.

Neil: I’ve been thinking about it and I’d like to give you an opportunity to prove yourself.

Brittany: Yasssss!! thank you thank you thank you… you won’t be disappointed… muaaaah

Neil: I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 7

Brittany: ummmmmm… can we do Saturday… I have plans with Emily :3

Neil: I guess you didn’t mean it when you said you’d do anything.

Brittany: Don’t be mean :(

Neil: This has been a waste of time, goodbye Brittany.

Brittany: Nooooooooooooo wait!!!

Brittany: pleaaaaasssseeeeeeeeee

Brittany: I’ll be there

Neil waited a solid five minutes before replying.

Neil: 7 PM sharp

Neil: Another thing, this is not a date. So, all of this, just keep it to yourself.

Empire of Sin – Part 1 [MF]

After hours of driving they finally arrived. A young man and two women stepped out of the car and started stretching.

“Neil! We are finally here”, the man’s mother, Christina screamed in excitement.

“Yaaaaaay”, Diana, his sister said sarcastically as she walked into the house.

“I’m getting the middle room”, Neil yelled behind Diana.

The movers had already arranged everything, the Hughes family just had to start living there. As they ate lunch Christina noticed Diana was only playing with her food.

“Diana, love, I know you miss London but give America a chance. I’m sure you’ll make friends and have a life in no time.” Christina said trying to sound reassuring.

“Mom, who moves from downtown London to the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin? Couldn’t we go to New York, Chicago or LA?” Diana said, clearly annoyed with this move.

“It’s just a year love. Once the American operations are setup, we can go back.” Christina said.

“It’s always about your business Mum… always”, Diana stormed out.

“At least you’re taking this well”, Christina sighed holding Neil’s hand.

“It’s not like I have a choice”, Neil mumbled and walked away.

The Bodyguard [MF]

“Here are your keys madam”, said a short Chinese man standing behind a rather large ornate counter. The tall pale-skinned woman thanked him in a thick Russian accent. As she walked past the counter she was followed by a big burly man who was surrounded by several security guards. The woman opened the door of the penthouse suite and let the man in.

“Thank you, Nina” said the man.

“Always a pleasure, Vasily”, said Nina as she closed the door behind them, leaving the security team outside.

The room was large and spacious, high walls with tall glass windows from floor to ceiling. You could see the farthest reaches of Beijing from up here. A bar on the left and a king size bed on the right. Everything was made of marble or glass.

There was a knock on the door. Nina opened the door and started talking to someone. A few moments later she escorted two men in. Vasily and the men stood across from each other with Nina in the middle.

“Twenty men, and two pieces of anti-tank ordnance early next week”, one of the men said as the other man pushed a bag towards the middle.

The Christian Girlfriend Part 3 [MFF]

It had been a few months since Mary and I started having sex, she was open to trying new things but she also exactly knew what she liked. If she tried it and did not enjoy it we were never doing it again. Tonight was date night and we decided to go to our usual bar. Our relationship was still a secret, so we tried to avoid places we knew our family and friends frequented.

We were sitting in a booth enjoying some food, drinks and conversation. The bar was large, had live music and was dimly lit. The ambiance and the company was amazing. Since it was a Tuesday it wasn’t as packed and the music was also more mellow.

Mary sipped on her drink and nonchalantly asked, “Where to tonight?”

Since we couldn’t meet at each other’s homes we’d find isolated places to make out or just outright have sex. My favorite one so far had been the detached garage at her place, I snuck in at two in the morning and she bought pillows and blankets to lay on the cold floor. We fucked right behind her dads vintage Porsche. Hers was in a classroom at her college after hours. We role played the teacher student act there and had to run towards the end when a security guard came by. That chase left us so excited we fucked again in my car after we escaped. The excitement of being caught really elevated the experience.

The Christian Girlfriend [MF][str8]

Mary was 20 and a devout christian and came from a very traditional family. They were respected and revered in our small town in the Midwest. All that being said she was dating me, a 26 year old hardcore atheist.

It was a secret affair. We couldn’t be seen publicly, couldn’t be ourselves around common friends. We were just acquaintances to the rest of the world. I’m not going to lie it added thrill to this relationship. We would find movie theaters in towns far away, ride the bus together but sit separately. I’d pick her up from her friends place after their bible study and hang out in isolated spots to avoid people we knew. It was a game of cat and mouse, one time we ran into her sisters at the mall and I walked in a random direction before they could see me. Another time when her dad came to pick her up after bible study she passed my car expressionless.

We met through a common friend. What started as intense debates about religion became talks about romance and love. She fell for me because I was different from the people she lived and socialized with on a day to day basis. Non religious folk were never a part of her social circle, ever.

The Christian Girlfriend Part 2 [MF]

[Part 1](

I was early, I waited in my car outside Mary’s house for more people to show up. House is an understatement it was a three story mansion with a giant swimming pool and a large open air balcony for parties. The weather was pleasant tonight, it was warm with a slight cool breeze.

Mary’s family was attending the Kentucky derby and a wedding. Her sisters were leaving for vacations with their friends the following day too. This meant she would be alone at home for the rest of the week. After the family left her, the eldest sister, Teresa had organised a party at their place. Everyone from their church group was invited. I was probably the only non church group person there. Our plan was once everyone leaves the party I sneak into her room and we hangout there.

People started arriving and I joined a group walking in. I was excited to see Mary, we weren’t getting to spend a lot of time recently due to other obligations. We did have many more sexual adventures since the first one at the parking lot. No intercourse yet but she did start reciprocating. Her blow jobs were terrible in the beginning, but she got better as I started sending her porn and guided her each time she worked on me. Within no time she was a pro and knew exactly what worked best on me.

The Christian Girlfriend [MF]

Mary was 20 and a devout christian and came from a very traditional family. They were respected and revered in our small town in the Midwest. All that being said she was dating me, a 26 year old hardcore atheist.

It was a secret affair. We couldn’t be seen publicly, couldn’t be ourselves around common friends. We were just acquaintances to the rest of the world. I’m not going to lie it added thrill to this relationship. We would find movie theaters in towns far away, ride the bus together but sit separately. I’d pick her up from her friends place after their bible study and hang out in isolated spots to avoid people we knew. It was a game of cat and mouse, one time we ran into her sisters at the mall and I walked in a random direction before they could see me. Another time when her dad came to pick her up after bible study she passed my car expressionless.

We met through a common friend. What started as intense debates about religion became talks about romance and love. She fell for me because I was different from the people she lived and socialized with on a day to day basis. Non religious folk were never a part of her social circle, ever.

The Camping Trip [MF]

Being an introvert I hated being at this camping trip. Only reason I was here was for her, my crush Jessica. Not like it mattered, Dave the jock in our group was going to fuck her tonight anyway. I was getting annoyed by everything and anything. Everyone was going to be with someone and I was going to have to wait outside my tent till they were done fucking. I’d be all alone as usual.

The group was sitting by the campfire drinking and just having fun in general but I was miserable. I was 6 feet tall, decent jawline, in shape but on the skinnier side, black hair, glasses and some stubble. I was just terrible at being social and I had no “Game”, hence the lonely introvert. I should have just stayed home and read a book or played video games, that was me, not this social hangout thing. I grabbed a beer, my book and walked away from the group and sat on a log . Their chatter was just murmurs now at this distance. No one noticed I was gone, not surprising. I occupied myself in my reading. I held my phone awkwardly with its flashlight pointed to the book trying to read in the dark. Reading always bought me peace and focus, the drink helped too.

The Local [FM]

Exhausted I slumped back into my chair and took another sip of my drink. The bar was quiet it was peaceful. Last few days weren’t though, twelve hour flight from Chicago to Lisbon, Portugal, then a drive down to Sintra then non stop mediation between my sister and her husband. My sister was going through a bad divorce and I was trying to help her wrap things up as smoothly as possible. But the last 3 days had just been shouting and throwing of things. I needed a break from this.

I grabbed my lighter and cigarettes and walked outside. The air was cool it felt good on my face. It was dark I looked around, pretty quiet for a Saturday night. I’d have someone wanting to bum a cigarette off me at this time in Chicago downtown right about now. I smiled at the thought. Sintra was beautiful, brick palatial buildings painted in different colors. Narrow cobblestone roads. I took a puff and leaned back on the wall.