BLACK COFFEE [M/F, Raceplay, Office]

#**|** *Author’s Note*

This story deals with a taboo genre of erotica dubbed *raceplay*. It’s not for everyone and it is certainly an acquired taste. That said, I think you’ll find this particular story to be fairly tame, given those standards. There is some racial language involved, which is worthy of this *trigger warning* I’m giving it; but all in all, this tale is a harmless one. The other kink this story deals with is cuckolding. Again, an acquired taste, but a far more common one. And as always, all feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated.


#**|** *Black Coffee*


So, last Wednesday night, I get a call from Tony Marshall — yes, *that* Tony Marshall: the one who got fired for the cluster-fuck he made outta the McGreggory account back in the 70’s.




Yeah, *him*. Cost the company a pretty penny, if you remember that far back. A few Christmas bonuses, too; people took that real personal. Now, speaking strictly for myself here, I thought the guy was set up to fail from the word go. That seemed clear enough to me, but — well, never in my twenty years here have I seen the office rejoice to watch an exec booted out those rotating-doors. It was a real spectacle, you had to be there.

SWEET TOOTH #4 [BBW, M/F, Dom/Sub]




###**| Summary**



*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*


*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.


[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]



###**| Author’s Note**



*Well, it’s about time I checked in on you again, dear Reader.* I’m sure you’ve noticed that I skipped an entry in the table of contents. I’m still going to go back and write that part, but let me explain… Both of these “interludes” are interconnected flashbacks, taking place while Samantha is left alone in the garage. *She does have a wild imagination.* They won’t be required reading to follow *Sweet Tooth* and will mostly serve more as supplementary content.


SWEET TOOTH #3 [BBW, m/F, Dom/Sub]




###**| Summary**



*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*


*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.


[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]



###**| THREE:** *The Yellow Brick Road*



When she arrived at Jasper’s residence, Samantha found an envelope stuck to his front-door. *Birthday Girl* was written across it in her Master’s loopy handwriting. Anything Jasper wrote looked to Samantha like a series of unpredictable roller-coasters, with awe-inducing ascents and sudden plummets. Inside the envelope, she found a note. It instructed Samantha to let herself inside.


She opened the front-door and was greeted by the something that struck her as entirely surreal. Samantha blinked for a long moment, bewildered, before realizing what it was that she was looking at. The first thought she had was that he *had* used rose pedals, after all; but of course, that wasn’t what she was staring at. *Not exactly.*

SWEET TOOTH #2 [BBW, M/F, Dom/Sub]



###**| Summary**


*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*

*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.

[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]


###**| TWO:** *Pets & Their Owners*


Samantha began to make her way down the six flights of stairs which led to the underground parking-lot, feeling an embarrassingly spontaneous sweat breakout on her forehead. She’d never voluntarily taken the stairs before – either up *or* down – but right now, it seemed like the most prudent thing to do. It was the only way to guarantee that Samantha wouldn’t accidentally bump into her boss, Mr. Creighton…

As Samantha descended, the beads of perspiration on her forehead became denser. If she hurried, Samantha supposed she’d be able to stop at her apartment first, have a quick shower to freshen-up and a change her clothes, before…


SWEET TOOTH #1 [BBW, m/F, Dom/Sub]



###**| Summary**


*…A suspenseful tale, with more than a handful of taboo twists.*

*Sweet Tooth* is about Samantha, a big woman, who – with the help of an eccentric younger man – finally overcomes her life-long sweet tooth. Expect a surreal, playful story about a unique Dom/Sub relationship, told in eight gloriously *messy* chapters.

[Links to all chapters of *Sweet Tooth* in the comments below.]


###**| Author’s Note**


Before we start, a quick word; *just between you and me, dear Reader*. If you intend to read *Sweet Tooth*, then this will be the first step on a long journey, one which we will be taking together; *so why not stop now, talk awhile?*

I’ve always struggled with the notion of giving my stories “tags”. The OCD part of my brain loves the *idea* of them, but the story-teller in me hates the notion of spoiling the twists and turns of a tale (even the most obligatory twist and turns). So, as far as giving *Sweet Tooth* tags, we’ll keep it real simple: *BBW, Bondage, Dom/Sub, Foodplay, m/F.* To say anything more than that, I’m afraid, would spoil what I have in store for later chapters.

“In the Garden of the Erotes, Vol. I” [Erotic Short-Story Collection]


"Black Coffee, White Milk"




  • Part Three (Coming Soon)


  • Part Four (Coming Soon)


Tags: Adultery, BDSM, Black Female, Coed, Domination, Fetish, Raceplay, Surprise, White Male.


Before a dreaded Monday morning meeting, an executive-type kills the time by telling a story from back in the day, about a particularly "racy" encounter he had with a young secretary, which had unforeseen consciences…


This story serves as a thematic follow-up to "An Invitation to Dinner". It is written entirely in monologue, using the perspective of a one-way conversation. Both this and "A Disappearance at Bear Lake" are attempts to write erotica using narrative conceits I haven't tried before. In the latter case, that meant an epistolary style I found particularly fun to play with, regardless of the results.




"Breaking the Doldrums"


  • Part One (Coming Soon)


  • Part Two (Also Coming Soon)


Tags: TBD


A young man experiencing a doldrum in his life meets an older woman, who’s spontaneity allows him to shake off his Winter blues.

“Black Coffee, White Milk #2” [MFM, Cuck]


Author's Note…


Now that we're getting into the proverbial good stuff, I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about the style this story is written with. Black Coffee, White Milk features a monologue structure, which I'm not even sure I really like. It's an experiment, and as an experiment, I've been happy with it so far.


Certainly, between this story and A Disappearance at Bear Lake, I've found some new inspiration from adopting unusual formats of story-telling. Whether or not either of them were successful, they both felt like the literary equivalent of Viagra when I was writing them. If any of it has worked for you, please send me a PM and let me know. Like all experiments, I'll take the good results and work with them, while leaving the less favourable results behind.



"Black Coffee, White Milk #2"



It's far too early in the morning for me go into any unnecessary details here, but the whole ordeal shocked me. I never knew a negro’s ass could glow so red. I marvelled at how silently she took blow after blow, be it from my hand or from the ruler I took from my desk. Nyomi had mean sweat breaking out of her forehead when I was done with her.

“Black Coffee, White Milk #1” [MFM, Cuck]


Author's Note…


This story deals with a taboo genre of erotica dubbed raceplay. It's not for everyone and it's certainly an acquired taste. That said, I think you'll find this particular story to be fairly tame, given those standards. There is some racial language, which is worthy of this trigger warning I'm giving it; but all in all, this tale is a harmless one.


The other kink this story deals with is cuckolding. In that aspect, Black Coffee, White Milk serves as a spiritual-succesour to An Invitation to Dinner. If you liked that story and you aren't turned-off by the idea of 'raceplay', then I hope you'll enjoy this one, too.



"Black Coffee, White Milk #1"



So, last Wednesday night, I get a call from Tony Marshall — yes, that Tony Marshall: the one who got fired for the cluster-fuck he made outta the McGreggory account back in the 70’s.


“A Disappearance at Bear Lake #2” [MFf, BDSM, NC]


Chapter Two: Off the Record


The following is a series of diary fragments, retrieved from the fireplace by Rick Summers, prior to his divorce. This is where the off the record story starts…


It’s evident from looking at the torn pages that some attempt was made by Mrs. Summers to dispose of her diary pages in the fireplace, but she was clearly unsuccessful. Accounts given by the cleaning lady suggest Mrs. Summers had began consuming multiple bottles of red wine a night at the time, which could explain her seeming incompetence.


No dates are present on any of the fragments, making it difficult to determine their chronological order. I’ve made the most educated guess I possibly could.



Diary Fragment, One of Eight:


—dreamt about him again last night. Always that fireplac During the day, I try my hardest to not remember what happened to us. in that cab But it’s an impossible task.


Rick has started asking questions. He dropped a plate last night and I screamed out loud. It was the sound that got me, like a whip being cracked. It was like I'd turn around and there he'd be, standing right behind me.

“A Disappearance at Bear Lake #1” [MFf, BDSM, NC]


Author's Note…


This is epistolary story, in the tradition of Stephen King's Carrie or Bram Stoker's Dracula. I'd understand if few readers thought it was worth while to wade through such an unusual format of story-telling just to get their rocks off; but for those of you who are looking for a more elaborate and involved sort of story, I hope this is an unexpected breath of fresh air. (Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated; nothing is too nit-picky.)



Chapter One: 'On the Record'


What follows is a partial transcript, taken from an interview conducted with Mrs. Summers. It was intended to be used in the television-show The Day I Nearly Died, but unfortunately, the episode in question was finished just prior to the show’s cancelation. Subsequently, it never aired.


The final edit of the episode is available online, however — for those diligent and tech-savy enough to find it. It’s not terribly remarkable and certainly does not convey the truth of Betty Summers’s harrowing story.