A succubus corrupting influence [F/M] [fpov] [corruption]

Chapter one: The succubus and the sleeping beauty.

Hi! This will be a strange tale of otherworldly influence, mind control, corruption, bdsm, voyeurism and exhibitionism and much, much more. Every character engaging in sexual activities will, of course, be over 18. I am writing this mostly for my own sake, but I sincerely hope you enjoy it, and would appreciate constructive critiscism. It will be off to a slowish start, and increase in pace as the story goes on.

Please, enjoy!

The inky, smoky shape traverses the dark ceiling without sound nor scent. It nestles in the corner of the ceiling, right above the bed. It almost seems to purr as its smoky tendrils vibrate, coiling up around its shape. It has no name, or if it has one, it is long forgotten by both man and itself. That fact does not bother it.

It cares little about names, only about pleasure. Sinful pleasure, some might call it, pleasures of the flesh, but it has no morals. It has been drawn here tonight by one thing, and one thing only: unfulfilled, repressed depravity, waiting for a trigger to unleash it.

The Pact of the Witch. [Ch.02] [F/m] [Fantasy] [Dubcon] [Femdom] [OC]

Kami’s heart finally stopped racing. Her body felt strangely light, in a very pleasant way. She stood up slowly, taking in the room. Something was different, but she could not quite tell how.

*You are feeling the changes. As our bond grows, we will become more… alike.*

“Can you read my mind?” Kami asked the incubus. He, too, looked different. Where there had been only one tentacle before, two new ones had grown. They were much smaller, writhing more quickly.

In a way. In time, we will be able to fully link. For now, it is more of a vague set of loose sentiments and feelings I can hear.

Kami nodded, slowly. She looked around the room again. “I can see in the dark!” That what was what different. The faint moonlight suddenly gave her a much clearer view of the little hut. The blood on the floor seemed to almost glow, and she could make out every detail of the fat man on the floor.

“What should I- we, do with him?” Kami felt uneasy about the way she had tricked the man. She couldn’t just leave him here and risk him starving to death if no one happened to check in on the little hut.

The Pact of the Witch. [Ch.01] [F/m] [Fantasy] [Tentacles] [Female MC] [OC]

Note: This is a fantasy tale, quite unlike other stories I have written. It’s not quite perfect, and far from finished, but I figure I will share it in bits as I work on it. There might be typos to iron out as well as some other mistakes here and there, but I hope you will enjoy this first rough draft.

The setting is medievalish fantasy and we will follow Kami, a young woman aspiring to be a witch. It will feature (light) dubcon, different races (orcs, elves and such), bdsm, tentacles, cumplay, corruption and much, much more. Everyone figuring in sexual encounters will OF COURSE ALWAYS BE ADULTS. If you like it or have constructive things to say, please let me know! I am writing this mostly for myself but it is always pleasant to hear that others enjoy my stories. Enjoy!

The mirror was dirty and cracked. It showed the reflection of a young woman, maybe in her early twenties. She was pretty, with long dark hair in a thick braid down her back. Her blue eyes were studying her face, the full lips twisted in a curious expression of introspection. She stepped back from the mirror, moving over to the middle of the room.

My husband’s best friend [F/M] [Cheating]

CHAPTER FIVE! (can’t edit titles, whoops)

I find it hard to sleep after that. I lie naked in the bed next to my snoring husband. His back is turned to me, and I study the back of his head. After an hour of twisting and turning, my phone vibrates. I don’t know how, but somehow I already know who it is. I instantly pick up my phone. It’s a picture.

A picture of John’s t-shirt stained with my juices, hanging off his erect cock. For some reason the fact that I can’t see his cock makes me even more aroused. The outline of it, the hint of the large head poking at the fabric, sends an instant surge of arousal through me.

I lick my lips, almost without realizing it.

I look over at Mike. His ribcage slowly rises, then lowers, his breath deep and calm. I’m ashamed of myself, though mostly I am ashamed of how wet I am.

I can’t do this to Mike, I think to myself.

But my feet are already touching the cold floor. My nipples stand hard in the cool night air as I stand up.

My husband’s best friend [f/m] [teasing] [cheating] [Ch.4]

I spend the rest of the day aroused. I try not to think about John, or what happened in the kitchen, or what happened last night, but images and sensations keep popping up in my head.

I leave the house for a while to do some shopping, and forget half the things I came for, distracted by the warm sensation between my legs. What John did with that bottle stirred something in me, and I can’t quite function.

Mike has already prepared dinner when I get home, but I barely eat.

“Are you all right, honey?” He asks me gently, taking my hand. “You seem a bit… distracted?”

I blush, shaking my head. “I think I’m just hungover from yesterday. I barely slept at all.”

John nods. “Me neither, actually.” I blush even more, but Mike doesn’t seem to notice. He and John starts discussing some sort of railing for the new patio, and I start clearing away dinner. I accidentally brush John’s shoulder with my breast while clearing his dish, and I see him tense up. Maybe I’m not the only one who’s spent my day aroused?

My husband’s best friend [F/M] [Cheating] [Teasing] [Ch.3]

I try to wash away my guilt with the hot, usually comforting water of the shower. Something about it just makes me feel worse, like I don’t deserve the pleasant warmth over my skin. I stand there for a long while, washing my hair twice, trying to make the feeling of unease go away, but the guilt has caught up to me. What am I doing? How can I do this to Mike?

I finally turn the shower shake my head, making my long hair spray water over the tiles. I exhale slowly. This was unavoidable, I confess to myself. John and I… we’ve always had this attraction for each other, even though we’ve both hidden it from ourselves, and from Mike. Something about him just makes me…

Well, he makes me want to tear his clothes off.

I finally get out of the shower, drying myself with a towel as I take deep breaths to push away the shame and guilt. I get dressed, trying to think of something else, and then I head downstairs. The sun is shining; it’s a beautiful day out. Our kitchen is bright and welcoming, and I make myself a cup of coffee while watching Mike and John work through the window.

My husband’s best friend [F/M] [Cheating] [Ch.02]

Thank you for the comments, upvotes and messages for the first part of my story! Here comes chapter 2, please let me know what you think!

I wake up wet. I’m ashamed of what happened, but somehow I can’t bring myself to fully regret it. I was more aroused by my little encounter with John than I had been in… well, ever, I think. My husband, Mike, who I should be feeling those things for, is still snoring next to me. I look at him. He’s handsome, more handsome than John. He’s smarter, too, and funnier, but there’s just something… I don’t know. John makes me feel something else entirely.

Mike has already gotten out of bed. He’s by the dresser, putting on a t-shirt.

“Getting started already?” I say, pretending a yawn. I’m wide awake now, and painfully aware of the wetness between my legs.

“Yeah, we said yesterday we wanted to get an early start on the patio. John says the entire undercarriage, or whatever, is all rotten and needs replacing.”

“Well lucky for us John is here to… help out.” I say, and can’t stop myself from blushing slightly. Mike doesn’t seem to notice.

My husband’s best friend. [F/M] [Cheating] [Ch.01]


This is a short opening chapter of a series I’m starting. Let me know what you think in the comments or chat if you have any suggestions or criticisms! Also, feel free to follow me for updates.

I’m a little tipsy, and so are the guys. My husband, Mike, has his best friend John over to help with our new patio. Dinner’s been both eaten and cleared away, and it’s way past my usual bedtime. I’m starting to feel a bit sleepy as I listen to the boys talk about college like it was 50 years ago, not five.

It’s comforting, listening to them laugh like school boys over some prank they played on each other. I’m only half listening as Mike asks me something. “Remember, honey?” I just nod, half asleep. “Mmmh”, I say, resting my eyes a bit. They keep talking, and eventually I catch myself nodding off. With a jerk I sit up on the couch. “I’m off to bed, honey,” I say softly and kiss Mike on the cheek. “I made up the guest bedroom for you, John.”

Taking my first steps in Sandra’s shoes. [F/M] [Female POV, sex with strangers, first encounters, prostitution]

I was sitting at the hotel bar, still waiting. I already knew, deep down, that I had been stood up. I knew why, too. I had been seeing this guy Mark for a few weeks, and he had clearly been hoping to get in bed already, but I’ve always been kind of shy about that sort of thing. I guess my conservative parents still held some sort of moral power over me, despite me moving across the country to get away from their tepid ways.

My dating life had been miserable for months. I had been called a tease, ghosted, and stood up several times. It was just something about being so… vulnerable, something shameful, about taking that last step into the bedroom with some guy I barely knew.

I was looking at myself in the large mirror behind the bar when someone tapped my shoulder. My heart raced as I turned around, but it wasn’t Mark. It was an older gentleman, perhaps in his late fifties or early sixties. He was tall and had greying hair and a closely trimmed beard, almost a little handsome in a rugged way.

“Hi, are you Sandra?” He asked, looking around almost nervously.