[M]y first time cheating

I’m honestly not sure when it got out of hand. When it got to the point where I’d do just about anything for sex. When the risks became a part of the draw, and it didn’t matter if I was in a relationship, or who might be asleep in the next room, or if anyone had a condom. At some point, I just knew that I needed more sexual activity than one relationship could really provide me with, and cheating became just part of the deal. Or casual sex in general, really. Even when I was single. I just really enjoy fucking a stranger. One of my top five favorite things. Right up there with Blood on the Tracks. I’ve mourned few deaths in my life like that of Craigslist. A haven for the casually minded individual, but somehow cheating was always just… hotter. I’ve done it for years, and I’ve done it successfully, and the worst part is that I fucking like it. I’m good at it. I’m not sure if anything gets me off like fucking someone I shouldn’t. I wish it weren’t that way. Honestly, I do. But here we are.