[MF] My Friends Lonely Mom

I’ll start this off with a little background. I’m 22 and my friends mom, who I’ll call Amy, is about late 40’s. Her son, who I’ll call John, and I have been friends since middle school, and I spent a fair share of my childhood hanging around their family. We played sports together and had a lot of fun times growing up.

Fast forward to when we graduate high school, he goes out of state for college and I stay in my hometown and get a carpentry trade apprenticeship. He’s always been the more academic guy, and I’ve always been the more hands on guy. We kind of lose touch when we go our separate ways and don’t speak as frequently as we used to. He got internships in the summer at his state school so he wouldn’t come back home much at all.

Fast forward two or three years and I’m almost done with my apprenticeship. I was doing some side work on the weekends as a handyman to make some extra cash. In that span of time I also got a lot more fit since all my friends were gone to school, so I literally worked out six days a week. I also grew my hair out more than I’ve ever had it, and had a pretty thick beard that I had also never grown out. I was almost unrecognizable from now to when I was in high school.