Dream come true

The first part: https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/coa9y9/mrs_bennett_is_such_a_tease/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

Does not have to be read first


(Back inside her house, Mrs. Bennett poured herself a glass of wine and waited for her husband to return home)

Mr. Bennett walked into the kitchen to see his wife, with a big smile on her face. So I found out today that it wasn’t a racoon that knocked over that trash can the other night, she told him. What was it then, he asked as he poured himself a whiskey.
It was the neighbor’s boy, David, she said.

Just by the look on her face, Mr. Bennett already knew what his wife was thinking. Invite him over some time, he told her. She smiled and walked over to him, grabbing his hand and leading him to the bedroom.

Mrs. Bennett is such a tease

I was about fourteen years old when my family moved into a two story house on Maple street. I remember the neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and their son, who was the same age as I was, coming over to the house and welcoming us to the neighborhood. All of them were friendly and we made friends with each of them accordingly. My dad and Mr. Bennett would stand on the line that seperated the yards and shoot the shit, beers in hand, admiring their freshly cut lawns. My mom and Mrs. Bennett would gossip as they watered their flower gardens. Their son Josh and I played on the local youth football team together. Growing up, I enjoyed alot of childhood firsts with the Bennett family. I smoked my first cigarette with Josh after he snuck a few out of his old man’s pack while he was asleep on the couch. Mr. Bennett gave me my first beer one night in his garage when I returned a rake I had borrowed. And Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. Bennett was the first real woman I had masturbated to.

Naughty Wife

I finally got the text that I had been waiting for all week. I’m ready 4 u daddy. She calls me daddy. I wonder if she calls him daddy…. Not that I care, I’m the one about to be inside her in a few minutes, as I race across town to her house. We’ve been doing this for far too long and I know it’s wrong but that’s what gets me so hard. I was already sporting a raging erection when I parked my car on the side road behind her house. I could feel the stickyness of precum in my boxers as I slipped in the backdoor that she always left unlocked for me. All the lights were off, as usual. I didn’t need the lights though, as I knew her house like my own. The smell of the perfume she knows drives me crazy filled my nose as I crept down the hallway towards the light that spilled into the hallway from her cracked bedroom door. I didn’t think I could get any harder, my pants throbbed as I inhaled her scent.

Macy missed her husband

It had been 2 weeks. 2 weeks since Macy and her husband had had sex. She was starving, as they usually did the dirty at least a couple times a week. Jack had been out of town on a business trip and even though she was able to satisfy herself after she recieved a picture message of Jack’s fully erect member squeezed in his own hand, Macy was aching for his touch. They had sent a few dirty pictures back and forth while he was gone; Macy had even bought a new piece of lingerie for one of the photos. The type of lingerie with plenty of lace and straps, the kind with the stocking clips. Macy hadn’t ever even thought to buy anything that revealing but after she slipped into it and felt the way the straps hugged her curves, she had never felt sexier. She felt so sexy she sent Jack a picture of her new outfit, little did he know she was wearing it under her dress as they drove to the restaurant they had decided to eat at near the airport when she picked him up.