[M] The time I fucked a single mom

Alright what up my fellow horny degenerates, I’m glad you enjoyed my last story. It was nice to conjure that memory up so let’s get to when I got to fuck her.

After she left from sucking me off we remained in contact. She would normally text me about how horny she was and how her only alone time was when she took a bath. She would send me the filthiest pictures (do not ask me for them). They were such a treat. We kept trying to set up a time to meet again, but due to her situation there wasn’t much flexibility.

Eventually she came up with a plan. One of times she was allowed out alone was to go food shopping. She sent me a list of groceries and PayPal’d me money. The plan was I would pick up the groceries for her so she could tell her mother she was going food shopping but in reality she was coming to me to get drilled. This probably went down as one of the strangest sexual arrangements of my life, but hey, it was definitely worth it.

[M] The time I got a quick blowjob from a single mom

A while back when I was on the online dating scene I had an experience that seemed like it was straight out of a porn. I matched with this young (20) single mom who really just wanted to get out of her apartment where she lived with her mom as well. She was Latina with a killer ass (surprise…) and s a decent set of tits. She was probably about 5’4 and she had a nice face.

We match and start talking to only find out she lives 2 blocks away from me. She asks me if I’m free tonight and I said yes. She said she’ll be over at 8:30. I was hyped because my roommates were gone for the weekend. I shower and get ready for her to come over.

She shows up a little after 8:30. She is wearing a tight dress that puts her body on full display. She must have saw me drooling when I first saw her based on the look she gave me when I invited her in. I watched her ass walk over to the couch and sit down, I soon followed and sat down next to her.

[M] I (28M) dominated a catfish in my hotel room


When I was in my mid 20s I started working for a decent sized company and as part of an annual training session they brought me out to their headquarters. I was still pretty young and dumb in the online dating scene (it had also just started to take off) and went on tinder to find a girl to come to my hotel room for some fun. I matched with a few girls but most of them were not down to come hang out in my hotel room. The area was far away from everything, I didn’t have a car, and I didn’t feel like paying for an uber. I was pretty up front about just chilling in my hotel room and the girls understood what I meant.

I matched with one girl that seemed pretty decent, nice face, nothing crazy hot, but I was horny and was just looking to get some. Looking back on it now I should I realized because she only had pictures of her face with angles so if I were to see it now with some experience I would have known better. Anyway, we start talking and she seemed pretty cool, also down to come hang at the hotel room. She was 21 and home from college on winter break so she was bored. After talking for an hour or two (a little on the phone to make her feel better) she decided to come over. I told her my hotel and room number and she drove over.