When I first saw Zelda I thought she was a “#me too” kinda woman….I was very very very wrong.
To start, she is a client of mine and I just started at a new job so I was very above board with her. Also we are both married with families. The last thing I wanted to do is lose my job or my family…but God damn she was sooo fucking hot!!
After working with her a few months, I started to think maybe she would be a fun work flirt or someone super sexy to think about when I was home alone ?
Zelda would drop little hints about her personal life, that kept painting her in a very different light then her work personality. I still was very scared to cross that line and didn’t know if it was just wistful thinking.
I would make every effort to be alone with her and find any excuse to touch her. I even went Jr high game and would brush her ass walking by or walk into a room half hard to see if I could get her to look. But it kinda seemed like it would just be a flirting kinda relationship.