A Visit With a Friend [MF]

I get to your door a little earlier than we agreed on, but I decide to knock anyway. I hear some rustling around and then hear you call “come in, it’s unlocked!”.

I open the door and walk in. You’re sitting on the couch under a blanket, looking very cute and cozy. You’re watching a romantic movie — the one with the protagonist that reminds me of you. The whole scene before me is basically perfect.

I put my bag down by the door, remove shoes and coat and settle into the chair across from you. I’d rather sit next to you and share that blanket, but that’s not really what we agreed to so I try to be content just being there. The movie is on and you seem to be enjoying it, so I don’t really say anything to distract you.

I’ve already missed most of the movie, and it’s been years since I’ve seen it. I’m just starting to get into the plot again when I hear a quiet sigh from over in your direction. I glace over and you’re looking straight at me. We make eye contact and you blush slightly and look back to the TV. I’m not really sure what to make of that, so I tell myself that it’s all in my head and try to focus on the movie.