This is a story set during the Corona Virus outbreak in 2020 (for future readers). Everyone was self-quarantined — even if healthy – and all social functions were shut down until further notice (which had not been lifted at the time this story was written).
Fuck! My senior prom was canceled as was my sister’s Spring Fling Ball at college. The Corona Virus quarantine had kept me home from my last semester of high school and my sister had to move back into our room from her college upstate. My parents were both working from home as their respective companies had closed the offices until the all clear was sounded — which was for some undetermined date in the who-knows-when-future.
So Kristy crowded back into my room, or I guess, “our” room, after unloading all her stuff out of my Dad’s car in the driveway last week. Mom thought it was fun to see her girls back together again after only a few months of my older sister’s freshman year at Roane State. I hate to say it but I didn’t like it at all. Oh, I like — love — my sister but I had gotten very used to having the room all to myself. So I had to clear all my stuff back into the shared quarters of closets and bureaus and night tables to make room for Kristy.