Scheduled sex is a turn on for us

So my gf (22) and me (m27) are very horny people but our anxiety and jobs make us very tired at the end of the day. We decided to try scheduled sex and we both agreed, it goes on the calendar, it fucking happens. We scheduled it for this morning 4 days ago, and it was on my mind non stop. I was so horny leading up to the fact that I jacked off 2 times yesterday due to being so horned up, but lets get to the good part.

She fell asleep on the couch last night but I was in the bedroom. This morning she comes in sleepy faced, topless, and in a very cute pair of panties. She got on the bed and we cuddled and she instantly fell asleep. That was fine because I just sat there and took in her beauty while she rested for what was about to come. She tosses and turns before she wakes up, so when she started that, I started to lightly caress her body which led to her involuntarily moaning in her sleep. When she woke up I told her I would give her a massage. So I gave her a back massage then moved down to her legs