She told her friends. [FEMDOM] [Chastity] [Light Humiliation]

She told her friends.

So, my Queen told her friends about the cage. Not at my behest mind you, She is just an open person. The idea of her speaking about something so secret to a friend so openly and my Queen telling me about it is humiliating, but kinda hot. I am a very private person, and having my Queen flaunt something so secret and potentially embarrassing without my consent to other women demonstrates dominance in a way I can’t describe.

She has told a couple of close friends, and they have done what I assume normal vanilla friends would do and had a laugh and moved on. None of them have ever said anything to me about it… until a few days ago.

I was locked up, and my Queen and I had another couple friend over. Let’s call the female half “M”. The night was uneventful for the most part, dinner and board games. Then suddenly M points at the key on my Queen’s neck and says something about it. “Wow is that the key to your husbands heart?” They both started laugh. M dropped something and made a joke about “servicing” my wife. Then said something along the lines of “As long as she is happy, right?” I picked up my phone to text my Queen and ask what was going on. M snatched the phone off the table and said “Oh, did you just get a text?” Luckily, I didn’t send anything.