Tailgating, football and sex.. Or how against all odds I became a “bull” [Group] [MMMF] (Sorry it is long but TLTR at the bottom)

All this happened back in early November and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. I will change some names here but you will need to take my word for it. TLTR all the way down. Sorry it is a bit long. Yes this is a throwaway account.

OK, picture me. I am 28M, your typical nerd type, skinny, wear glasses, you know the drill. About 6’1”. Nothing extraordinary. A series of events: a weekend out with friends and a happy accident is keeping me busy in the small town I live.

Just as I finished college I took a job as an IT tech in a remote working site up in Northern Ontario. A blue collar town of mostly guys, though to live in and I moved with my gf of 4 years. She was going crazy bored and she decided that it was her cue to leave. I don’t blame her. I was working all the time and she was bored to death and miserable. Needless to say that she left after 14 months there and I was very heartbroken and sorrowful.