How I met my goddess (32) from HK again [FM]

This is the story of me and Amy when we met again after our time in Hong Kong. [(Part 1 is here)]( It happened years later, about 6 years after that exciting time. She had meanwhile moved to London, I was living in the south of Germany, had a good job there, but no girlfriend.

Amy meanwhile had a boyfriend, a good match, as she once wrote to me. We kept in touch sporadically, wrote to each other here and there, congratulated each other on birthdays, things like that. Sometimes, when I was horny in bed, I would watch our videos together and think of her. Sometimes I also texted her, asked her about her love life or if she remembered our nights. She seemed to be happy about it – but always kept a low profile: she never revealed whether she still thought about me and whether her boyfriend could give her as much pleasure as I could back then.

How a goddess (26) in HK made my (33) stay unforgettable [FM]

I’m from Europe, so please be kind, since english ist not my first language. I want to share with you a story that happened a few years ago in Hongkong that I will never forget.

I (33) was for some weeks in HK, had to work for my company there and got an apartment in the middle of the center. First I discovered the city, enjoying the attention I was attracting as a tall European (1.88 or 6’2). Then I hit the dating apps, because, well, I wanted to try my luck. I had many matches, but the profile of Amy (26) caught my eye.

She was absolutely terrific. Asian, stunning, gorgeous, black hair, always a slightly mocking smile on her full lips, narrow hips and a tight ass that I can’t forget to this day. She was tiny compared to me, barely reached to my shoulder.

We met for a drink, I was dressed like a damn tourist, some shorts, some t-shirt (I still cringe when I think of it) but she on the other hand – she was wearing a yellow tight fitting dress, her hair in style, her makeup perfect. Her slender legs were in high heels, she looked like a model.