Seminar in Sexual Techniques: 1032 |m/f|

The classroom was a bowl shaped, stadium seating auditorium. The kind customary to larger universities where class size was on average over 200 students per class. Nearly every seat is filled for the 4PM lecture there. The room was active with conversation, the sounds of laptops and tablets being set up on desks,and the thumping of bags on the floor. In the front of the room a middle aged professor was setting up. He sat his brief case next to the podium which contained a computer monitor. He quickly entered his credentials into the computer and with a few clicks of the mouse brought to life a presentation upon the large screen in front of the auditorium. The title read "Oral Techniques; Advanced Manuevuers and Tips". The professor clipped a microphone base to his belt and fished the wire up his shirt so that the microphone clipped to his collar. He turned it on and a couple muffled thuds were heard over the speaker. He motioned for the IT technician to adjust his volume and after a few seconds he spoken"test, test" over the speakers. His voice was strong yet soothing. It was rumored that students signed up for his classes simply because his voice was so pleasurable to the ears. Many students often joked that he should consider teaching some of their basic science classes, so that they can bear sitting through lectures. He stood for a few more seconds as the last of the students got to their seats and commotion dulled. He nodded toward two young teaching assistants, and they got up and walked to the rear of the auditorium to shut the large doors. The closed with a tremendous thud that every Student could feel. It was an electrifying sound and feeling. The teaching assistants were both highly attractive; one young female assistant wearing tight jeans and a low cut v neck. She had dark hair just below her shoulders that was straight and brushed behind her ears. She was tall, thin, and busty just enough to be a successful underwear model. Her bra today gave her ample cleavage that was hard not to notice when she walked past. The male assistant was also equally attractive. Tall and fit, hair short messy and blonde. He too wore jeans and a matching black v neck. His arms bulged from tight fitting sleeves. The two walked together to the front of the room and sat down. Next to them a third assistant sat. He seemed slightly older than the two assistants, dark features, dark hair, and also wearing the same v neck and jeans. He was more muscular than the male assistant that shut the door, but not much. It could be that he was slightly taller, or that his skin was slightly more tan. The three of them sat facing the professor who was making his last adjustments to his microphone. "Good afternoon" the professor spoke. "Today is the second lecture in oral techniques. Last lecture we focused on cunnalingus, and I trust that you reviewed and practiced since then" the students all smiled and nodded, few conversing between each other. One student raised their hand. It was a male student, wearing a backwards braves hat and a polo shirt. He first softly, then with more authority began to speak "I'm still having trouble with dual stimulation techniques! I've gone over the lecture notes and the book but I still am having difficulty". The professor spoke " please see one of the TA after class, they will be able to help, we do not have much time so we must move on to our lecture" the professor began the lecture turning to the next slide basic male anatomy. He was going over the different structures of the penis, testes and prostrate. The students vigorously took notes as the professor high lighted key words and potential exam questions. After a few anatomy slides he came to a graphic displaying the many names for fellatio. The students laughed at a few of the terms. The professor then said "it goes by many names, but today you will learn its as a skill" the next slide read in class demonstration. He went to the computer and clicked off the presentation to a screen that showed a camera view of the front part of the room. It was focused on a chair and a plain white wall. He asked the taller dark haired male assistant to come forward. " With help we are going to show the basic techniques involved in this oral skill. The dark haired assistant stood in front of the camera, the large screen showing him more clearly. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back waiting for instruction. the professor then motioned to the female assistant to come forward . She then entered the camera frame and the both were visible on the large projector screen. "Now, there are many techniques, positions, placements but we want to focus on the act, and the basic skills before we can move on to more advanced lessons" the professor calmly said. The female assistant got on her knees and the camera zoomed so bring her better into the frame. She reached for his pants and the male assistant offered assistance in unbuttoning the jeans as she pulled the zipper down. The female instructor then helped to pull the jeans, and briefs down in a quick motion. The male assistant stood tall with his hands to his side. His large, erect penis reached out into the camera frame. The female instructor positioned her self while looking in a monitor near the set, once they were at an appropriate angle she held the penis and looked to the professor. He nodded and she slowly came toward it. She parted her lips every so slightly as she took the head of it in her mouth. She slowly opened wider as it entered and she went delicately down till her lips were just slightly above her hand. She retracted slowly, visibly squeezing his dick so that the blood was forced to it making it larger and harder. As her mouth left his dick, a small collection of spit stuck to her lip before falling down. She calmly looked at the professor who brought up slides next to the camera on the screen. He went over the steps and the female instructor methodically and slowly performed them. There was proper hand placement and grip. Single hand approach for beginners. The other hand was used to pull her hair behind her ears. And to occasionally wipe her mouth. There was also proper lip placement on the shaft, and the role of the tongue on the down stroke. The assistant slowly sucked the cock, each time going nearly to the top of her hand and retracting to show it engorged and wet from her spit. The professor continued to lecture as she sucked his dick. First it was slow, and methodically stopped at key points in the act. Now she was going at a pace, without stopping. The sounds of her sucking were lightly heard over the speakers. The students payed close attention and continued taking notes as the professor highlighted key points on the side by side slides. Finally the professor asked the female assistant to stop. She wiped her mouth and with the assistance of the tall male teaching assistant got his pants and briefs back up. The two of them returns to their seat and the professor switched slides. He went through the a few more key points and erogenous areas of the penis to focus on. He then go to another in class demonstration point. This time the professor asked for a female student volunteer. The audience was quite, then a single hand reached out. The professor smiled and asked the young lady to come to the stage. She had brown hair pulled back, was shorter, roughly 5'2'' and very petite. She had on Nike spandex shorts and a workout shirt. She was fit, but her most attractive feature was her legs. They were tone and muscular and her ass poked out firm and perfectly sized. She had a medium bust that was concealed behind a slightly loose fitting workout tank. She has striking features of beauty but seemed quite innocent. The professor asked if she had any difficulty with the assignments so far, or had any experience with fellatio. She stated her female roommate helped her with her cunnalingus assignments, and that she did practice her fellatio assignments with a male student from her hall. He instructed her to get into position on the stage and she stood in the frame of the camera.