I [25f] had sex with my parents this past weekend and it was…all the things [incest]

I’ll start by stating the obvious in saying that it feels VERY weird to be posting to the internet about how I had sex with my parents…buuuuuut here I am posting to the internet about how I had sex with my parents.

A little bit of background: I’m a 25 year old woman, the oldest sibling in a very academic, liberal artsy family. I’m currently getting my PHD, my mom has a PHD and works as a professor, and my dad has a PHD and an MD. We can sit around the dinner table and talk about theory until the cows come home (and we often do).

With that in mind, we’re also the sort of family that can and does talk about EVERYTHING, including sex. Not in a super personal way, historically…more in an abstract, theoretical way. It’s kind of been a boundary of sorts.

For the past little while though, that boundary has gotten sort of…fuzzy. I’m the only one of my siblings living at home and as the oldest, my parents have always seen me as more of an adult. Our conversations have been more frank than they would be if my brother and sister were present, and a couple of weeks ago, they got a LOT franker.