Part 3: Cheating [M] with my neighbor [F]

*[Note from author: Well, I’m terrible at following through apparently. I promised I’d write more in the coming weeks and checks notes that was four months ago. Sorry! My story has multiple parts so it would be hard to jump in right now unless you really just about that action. Otherwise, here are parts 1 and 2.]*

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

Chelsea looked incredible laying next to me, her small breasts rising softly as she breathed in and out. I dutifully got up and grabbed her a towel to clean up the mess I had made all over her stomach and now we were just talking about sweet nothings while we played our fingers around each other’s bodies.

I love a woman’s legs so I ran my hand up and down her left side as I spooned her. I was still hard and couldn’t help but slowly rub my cock along her as I kissed her neck.

“It seems like you’re already up for more,” she said with a smile.

“Just don’t want to waste the opportunity,” I replied honestly. “I want you every way I can.”

Cheating [M] with my neighbor [F]. Part 2

Be my guest to jump right into the action, but Part 1 is here :)


I felt like I was having an out-of-body experience. I truly was bewildered how fast things had moved. Over the course of a day and a half I had gone from flirting with my neighbor to having my head wedged firmly between her thighs.

After Chelsea came down from her high and loosened her grip on my hair, I raised my head and smiled at her. I hadn’t been able to please someone like that in years. My girlfriend also doesn’t like oral because of a previous bad experience. I felt elated that I had gotten her off first.

“OK,” she said. “Your turn.”

I awkwardly stood up and allowed her to steer me onto her bed. I had been on my knees next to her bed for what felt like an hour, and I hadn’t realized how sore I had become. As I fell back onto the pillow she stripped my shirt off of me and then undid my pants.

A flirtation turned to me [M] cheating on my girlfriend with my neighbor [F]

I never really intended to cheat on my girlfriend. I never actively pursued women out of fear of getting caught, because I did truly love her and because I have a crippling need for people to think I’m a good person.

Of course it’s more complicated than that. When you’re living two hours away from each other in your mid-20s, you tend to blur some of those normal relationship lines. The other person isn’t there all the time to keep track of who you hang out with or know how long you stay out at the bars.

In early summer of 2015, I was working for a company in a small town in Oregon. My girlfriend lived in Portland. Sex was inconsistent. She didn’t like my dive apartment so I would have to make the trek to her. But I worked weekends so our days off never aligned, making it even more infrequent. Writing this now, it’s truly a miracle we stayed together for as long as we did.