She Brought me a Gift

I was leading a boring and dull life. There was nothing much to enjoy in my life. As a 42 year old male I had lost interest from almost everything except sitting with my friends in bar and just drinking. My wife had told me many times not to drink that much but my boozing was increasing day by day. As a couple we were on the verge of breaking our marriage of 15 years.
That day I came early as one of my friends was sick, rest of the guys in our group had decided to go to cancel our meeting that day. Looked like there was something quite serious with Alex, our friend who had fallen sick that day. Nobody told me anything. I came to my house which no longer looked like home, my wife was also early from her work. I got fresh and just sat in front of TV and chugged beer. I got bored easily as the game was not on that day and I was watching a repeat telecast.
All of a sudden, all the lights got off. TV also got off and it all became dark.
Then I saw light coming from a candle. It entered in the room, a petite naked lady was holding the candle. She had hair covering her boobs and she held the candle in such a way that her pussy was covered with her hands. It was all dark except the face and upper body of the the petite lady.
I was not sure if I had too much of a drink or may be the beer was too strong. A sound came like a whisper in my ear, “happy birthday to you..”, oh yes, it was my birthday.
And slowly the the mouth from which the whisper came got straight into my mouth, abrupt kissing made me ecstatic. It was the most pleasant kiss that I had ever received.
The naked lady came near me and kept the candle on the table. I could see her pussy and boobs quite clear now. The kiss that I was receiving so far was offered to her. It was no other than my wife from whom I had just received the kiss. She was also butt naked. She fingered the asian lady who she had invited probably as a gift for me.
Their kiss was extremely passionate. I had never thought that my wife was a lesbian or bi may be. For some reason inlet bad that I could not understand her and always blamed her for not enjoying having sex with me. Looking at the two ladies kissing and carasing each other in the dark I could not hold myself and I grabbed my wife and kissed her passionately from her mouth to her neck and then taking turns to her lips again. The other lady removed me and she kissed my wife more passionately than me.

And We Did it

I and she, were classmates ones, she belonged to a different religion and it was impossible for her to go against her customs. We had a secret crush on each other when we were in college, just a touch of hand in the library used to satisfy us both. Although we were in same class but we had different interests. She was good with maths and I was a literature person. While she used to solve maths problems in library I used to write poems and stories. She liked them very much, we had a very pure kind of relationship. She was quite good in her studies, but she was quite religious too. I had nothing much to do with religion. We parted our ways with time, as I saw her hanging around with a guy who was from her religion.
15 year hence…
Yes, it happened recently. I was in London for a client meeting. I was on a commissioning project for my company. It was a long day for me but rather than taking rest I was just walking down the streets of London. There was flea market where i was searching for a good rain-coat as London’s rain was making me sick. I went to a shop where the sales woman seemed little uninterested in showing me a good stuff. I asked her to call her master as i wanted to complain on her for her unruly and unprofessional behaviour. The sales lady still behaved strangely. Then i shouted on her, “go and call your master”. Another lady came from inside, she had her head covered and she her face was barely open, only her eyes were visible. The lady was kind enough to offer me a seat and asked me if i needed any thing to drink or eat. I simply denied for any such offers and asked her to show me a good rain coat as i was in hurry. She grabbed a good one for me and took me to the billing counter. She didnt say anything to that unruly saleswoman. I gave the covered lady my card so she could swipe the same for payment. Before taking the card in her hand she asked me my name for billing purpose. I gave my name, she made the bill and collected the card from me. I was curious about what that lady was writing behind the receipt, it was long paragraph that I could could see was being written on the paper.
She handed over that paper to me, the first line was, “don’t readd it here”. I followed that, I collected the stuff that I had bought and left the store. Outside the shop I started reading the long paragraph that seemed like a love letter to me.
“Don’t read it here”
“I am the same woman you like in college, yes I am a woman now, much richer by money but extremely poor in my own thoughts, I follow your life through facebook. I miss you so much in my life. If I had the courage during college days I would have never married to my second cousin. I know you have your life and I won’t disturb that, but please rescue me for at least a day. I beg you”
It was like a blast from past, it made my testesterone to reach extremely high level. After all she was my first love, for few moments I forgot all a out my present life. My own wife and an unfruitful marriage. But I didn’t want to blame my wife for not giving birth to a child, in fact I supported my wife a lot. I always stood with her against all odds of the world. She is shy to go to parties and all just because she could not give birth to a child even after seven years of marriage. I had all these things in my mind but for those moments I out all those thoughts aside and I just wanted to rescue my first love from the shackles that she was in. But it was a big risk of life, which probably i had not seen or estimated.
There was a phone no on the bill, K was smart enough to know that I’d not call on her personal phone. I called from my cell to the shop phone. Same saleswoman picked up the call, I changed my voice a little and announced something in Arabic. The lady on the other side could not understand. She handed over phone to K as she was the only other person around. Without any delay K shouted on the call, “what, Oh my my today!” She started crying and took some random names. Many people came from inside and they all started to discuss something. I didn’t know what story K had made but I got my cue, I just announced in the market that there was big fire in that house pointing towards the shop where K was already creating a scene. Many people went towards that house and they it all became hugely crowded. I was away from the crowd by then, I brought my car and drove very fast and stopped round the corner where less crowd was present. K was already out and away from the crowd and she was waiting for me there as if we still had that connection after that many years. I grabbed her by hand and pulled her inside inside the car. She was in my lap, my heart was racing, she threw all her black clothes in backseat. She wore a nice red tee-shirt and denim jeans. After adjusting herself on the front seat she didn’t delay to kiss me on my lips. It was strange feeling, a woman out of nowhere started kissing you.
I drove faster and moved towards Norfolk on a deserted road, I had a flat in Norfolk but I was not easy to reach since it was getting darker. I didn’t have much experience driving in the dark on England roads. I had heard of animals coming on the roads sometimes. I raised my concern to K, but she insisted me to continue driving and get as away as possible from her previous life.
We drove and drove, it was all dark, after five hours of drive we reached to my flat. It was not used for a long time. K had broken the ice, she was all frank with me on our way. She said that she liked me a lot from college days but due to her customs she could never reach out to me. She married to her cousin and sent to London. She wanted to study further but her husband was not interested in she studying further. He had this family business which he thought would work better if K handles the accounts. But with the time he became more rigid as his friends started to mock him for taking help of a woman in his business. With the time he became more violent towards her. He didn’t like her reading a book on bed. After 10 years still they could not get any child out of the marriage so he became more frustrated with time. Under pressure from his family he married to another of his cousins who was 12 years younger to him. Even from her he could not get a child. Secretly everyone in their house started to say that he is unable to become a father. This rose his frustration and he started to behave awkwardly. For all his failures he somehow blamed K.
K herself was living a sexless life, there were many attempts from her husband’s friends and brothers but K strongly denied any such proposals. She delved herself towards spirituality and waited patiently for good times. She said in me she saw that good times and she just wanted to flee from that life.
We entered the flat, we were tired but our passion for each other didn’t let the lights dim between us. As soon as I closed the door, K grabbed me around my neck and lifted herself up around my waist. Her lips were deeply inside my mouth, our faces were covered in each other’s saliva. We were taking turns in kissing each other, she was moaning a lot. We both were 36 at that time still the flame among us was igniting like wildfire. I could feel her round buttocks above her jeans. I had grabbed them tightly, I gently lifted her slightly up and then slides her on my bed, her hair were all undone. I sat on the floor while she was on bed laying.she removed her T-shirt while playing down, I took her toes in my mouth, I smelled her feet and gently bit her heel. My hands were working on unbuttoning her jeans from her waist. She had removed her T-shirt by then. And she started to push her jeans down. I helped her in getting her jeans out of her skinny legs. I reached towards her panties, they were off-white transparent thin clothed piece that touched her gently on her buttocks. I smelled her above them, it smelled amazing, but I turned her on the other side. Her ass was between my nose now. I inched towards her lower back with my tongue. My nose first made a ride on her curved back and my tongue followed. I reached towards her bra-straps with my tongue. I unbuttoned them with my mouth only. She moaned gently and didn’t mind my overtures. I now slided back down towards her buttock cheeks. I licked her buttocks with my tongue, I grabbed gave my teeth a gentle bite of her soft buttock cheeks and took turn with my tongue. Her meaning increased further and with her long fingered hands she grabbed my head and pulled it towards her, she flipped on her back now, I was above her, she kissed me hard this time. She was in no mood to leave my tongue. Then she quickly searched for my penis with her right hand while her left hand was grabbing me around my neck. She took the penis out and inserted it inside her soft juicy pussy which was quite wet by then, we stroked hardly five times and she felt unconscious, I also drained all my semen into her without even trying to remove it.
We slept like babies after that.
1 year hence
She gave me a call that she had given birth toa baby boy who looks much more handsome than me. She had divorced her husband and had started teaching mathematics in high school. She said she didn’t want to disturb me in my personal life, but it was my kid and I had all the rights on the baby. I was not sure how do I respond to that but I was satisfied that we have brought a beautiful life on this earth.