My threesome with two crazy French girls (MFF)

Earlier this summer, I travelled to the European Championships (a big soccer tournament) in France with some friends. The trip had been mostly about drinking, football and drinking. I hadn’t gotten anywhere with the local women, but I hadn’t really been trying. Towards the end of our trip, we were in a busy bar one night and my friend got talking to these two French girls. I’ll call them Maddie and Alissa. Maddie is a tall, slim brunette with big full lips. Alissa is blonde, much shorter and has huge boobs.

My friend called me over from across the room and said Maddie wanted to meet me. He wanted someone to talk to her while he tried his case with Alissa. We were chatting and drinking with them for most of the night. The two girls were being really flirty. Alissa kept teasing Maddie saying how Maddie had tiny boobs and a small ass. Saying this drew attention to both of the girls’ bodies and me and my friend were openly checking them out and comparing. The two girls were even feeling each other up. It was obviously from what they said that they hooked up with each other sometimes. They were both good looking in very different ways.

Last night I paid my ex-colleague for sex (M 24/ F early 20s)

Warning: There’s a bit of a build up but I had to set the scene of what happened last night. Also it got a bit rough and fucked up.

This was a weird one last night. I was out with friends and we were incredibly drunk. At the end of the night, I left the bar to walk home. Being hammered, I didn’t take a direct route and ended up wandering aimlessly around the city centre. It was probably about 4am so the streets were mostly deserted until I came across a group of people just sitting on the ground outside some offices. They had obviously been drinking too and somehow had ended up all sitting there just chatting. Being incredibly drunk, I sat down beside them to make some new drunk friends. I was chatting away about god knows what with a couple of them when this blonde girl who had been quiet until then turns to me and says “you used to work in (company I worked in)”. I looked at her for a moment until I realised who she was. I barely recognised her. We had indeed worked together a year or two ago, but we didn’t really know each other. She was always very quiet and I’d never thought she was good looking. When I recognised her, I couldn’t believe it because she looked hot as fuck last night. I’m sure my drunken state had something to do with that, but also I’d never seen her dressed up or wearing make up before. She’s blonde, slim, probably just over 5 feet tall and has big blue eyes.