My Friend Shared his Girlfriend via Text [MMF]

I met my friend Colin in probably second grade. Hard to say as my memory is very unclear back then. But we were close our whole lives especially in high school. He’s just that bro who never does you wrong, always there for you, always funny to be around. After high school we paired off with girlfriends but we kept hanging out. Eventually he and his girl got married. I was a groomsman. We took vacations together. I visited the hospital when his first child was born. I would consider him a brother.

Eventually both of our relationships ended, first mine because I’m an idiot, then his because his wife was a piece of shit. Things happened, people moved. We chatted occasionally online but being friends in person was time consuming, him having kids and me being lazy. We gamed online occasionally which was always fun.

In all the time we knew each other we almost never talked about sex. His ex-wife sometimes made comments that he had a big dick. It could be true since some women like to brag about that. Could be false though since some partners like to brag about what they don’t actually have. But she was pretty attractive so I leaned towards believing he was gifted.

Long Weekend in the Mountains [M/F] [M-to-F Oral, Outdoors]

hello! mr. background story here. skip to the first bold words if you want to start where it gets sexy.


some provincial campgrounds in british columbia are open year round, left to visitors to maintain and keep clean. at a certain point in the year, usually early spring, full services are resumed. garbage collection, firewood service… and nightly fees.

so early in our relationship my ex and i occasionally camped in the off-season, willing to brave the near freezing temperatures in our rugged full-fly tent so long as we had our sub-zero sleeping bags and one another. we didn’t have a lot of money at this time since she was in school and my job paid me hourly and poorly. at least once or twice a year we’d decide, on a thursday, to make a long weekend trip to a campground a few hours outside of civilization depending on how the weather looked. no reservations, no fees, no people. just her and i listening to music, reading, hiking, canoeing, drinking and fucking. even now i don’t think i could come up with more perfect weekend if i tried.

Becoming “That Guy” (MF) [Long, Lots of Lead Up, Infidelity]

it was my [30M] second new years alone since the end of my relationship that had lasted seven years. it was full of life-altering moments, and it was the best and worst time of my life. the previous year had been more difficult to take. nobody to kiss at midnight, no new year to look forward to; only an unending stretch of self-reflection and regret ahead of me. needless to say, i’m overly romantic, dramatic and depressive.

but i was invited to this party and i wasn’t about to put my sadness on anyone else, so i showered like an adult would, brought some weed like my teenaged self would, and put on somewhat of a smile. over the past year i had certainly improved myself in some ways. now 30 years old, i was easier to talk to, more self-depricating, funny and at ease. i had lost about 80 pounds. the stress of being a 30 year old single guy with no career plan had put an acceptably distinguished amount of grey in my beard. i was no longer the bumbling alcoholic you could just as easily walk away from as talk to, i had a hook to me now. and i noticed some women showing interest here and there.

[M]elancholy Relationship Sex can be [F]ucking Hot

Ok, so this was a long term relationship that eventually ended. So it's kind of sad in places, but it's a memory I go back to. Scroll down to "I dipped a finger" if you don't want back story. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it.

We had been together a few years. It was either our 4th or 5th anniversary. As was customary we decided to go away for the weekend near the date. We went to Seattle, a city we very much enjoyed because the food was great, the shopping was pretty good, and the surrounding activities were fun enough. It wasn't the best option but we couldn't afford much. A weekend away in a new city and a new hotel was always fun.

The day was fun. We spent our time jumping from store to store, picking up cute boots or scarves for the coming winter. She was a blast to be around, even when we were constantly jumping from 0 degrees outdoors to 20 degrees inside stores. She wasn't fancy. She bought what seemed useful and seemed to appreciate my opinion. I have a pretty good eye for fashion and I know what looks good on her. That night we hit an old standard of ours, a restaurant we had been to early in our relationship that we had both adored. That time we had gorged ourselves on incredibly filling pasta dishes and desserts that had us crawling into bed disgustingly full.