The adventures of Luke – Part 1.

Luke stared at himself in the mirror, searching for any misplaced hairs that might have tried to make a bid for freedom during the evening. The wax he bought had obviously been worth paying the extra few dollars for, it looked perfect. He lifted his wrist to his mouth and gave it a quick lick, before smelling it to inspect the smell of his breath. He had learnt the technique from a Cosmopolitan magazine dating back to 2008 that he had found in the waiting room of a doctor's surgery. Perhaps they've discovered a new, more innovative technique since then, he mused. Unsatisfied, he reached for the tube of toothpaste and squirted a globule onto his finger, before plunging it into his mouth and gargling with water from the tap. He looked back into the mirror. "Why do you even bother?" he thought. "She'll fuck you anyway". He laughed to himself, and shaped his hair into the most ridiculous style he could fathom – a horn-like spike sticking out at a perpendicular angle to his forehead. He looked like a middle aged, slightly overweight unicorn. Only perhaps more mythical.