Weekend with /u/highavailability, part 2: shooting loads, a double entendre…with a few pictures

Saturday morning, we slept late. We always seem to sleep in the spoon position. His arms totally envelope me, and it’s the most secure and comfortable feeling. I don’t remember what time we woke up, but I definitely remember how. I felt HA’s rock hard cock poking into me. Apparently, he had been awake for at least a couple minutes because it was already covered in lube when I felt it slight effortlessly into me. I gasped into full consciousness as he pulled me close and thrust in balls deep…slow at first and then with increasing ferocity. I looked back at him over my shoulder, told him to kiss me and then to cum for me. He started to shake and hold me so tight that I knew it was coming even before I felt the first hot waves of cum erupting into me. There’s nothing I want more than to wake up just exactly like that every fucking morning…or at least on the weekends.

Finally, we willed ourselves out of bed, showering and getting dressed before venturing out for coffee. I make it sound like this was a quick process, but in actuality, it take me a solid hr to get ready to venture into public. HA is sweetly tolerant if not mildly amused by this.

/u/highavailability is mine all weekend. A narrative of our first day together, complete with pictures, ass play, and so.much.fucking.

It had been less than two weeks since /u/highavailability and I were together, but it already felt like too fucking long, so I had been obsessively tracking his flight into my city all morning. I work an early shift and couldn’t leave until midday on Friday, so he was going to take a cab and meet me at work. Unlike our previous rendezvous, which was spontaneous, I had some time to prepare for this one. When we’re meeting at my place of work, there’s always the struggle to be ultraprofessional yet still ultrafuckable. I think I pulled it off.

Taking my boyfriend at work day… /u/highavailability makes a surprise visit. Pictures and a video.

/u/highavailability and I have gotten into the habit of having two standing phone dates everyday during our commutes. We live in different time zones, but I work an early shift so it works out well. I’ve never been much of a phone talker, but since we began this cross country romance, HA and I have developed the habits of 14 yr old girls. Previously, the most minutes I’d spent on the phone in a month was 500. Now, I’m averaging about 2200 min/month. Thank goodness for unlimited talk time.

So Thursday morning, I’m talking to HA as usual. I’m already at work, but he’s still driving and stuck in traffic. We’re lamenting about how much we miss each other because there’s still two long weeks until our next scheduled meet-up. He says, “maybe I should just ditch work and hop on a flight to you.” I laugh and say “yeah, we should start playing the lottery. Maybe one of us will win and we’ll be able to afford to just fly back and forth on a whim.” We kept chatting, and out of curiosity, I decide to pull up flight info just to see how much this crazy idea would cost. I find an incredible deal, but I’m still not completely sure if HA was serious about this idea. The conversation goes something like this:

An Ode to Oral with Pictures… /u/highavailability does it right!

In previous posts from our first meetup, several commenters highlighted the fact that I went down on HA multiple times without reciprocation. That was 100% my preference. Historically, I haven’t been a fan of receiving oral. I’d never gotten off from it, and I would just constantly have this anxious feeling that they were only doing it because they thought they had to. I’m way too in my own head, but I’d told HA in advance that I wasn’t into oral and he respectfully let me have my way the first time around. Over the past month, the subject has come up in conversation more than once. He mentioned how much he enjoys doing it and that he thinks it’s one of his strongest skills sexually.
My personality trait that is probably simultaneously my best and my worst is a burning and insatiable curiosity. It gets me into trouble. I don’t know when to let things go, and I can’t ignore the niggling unknowing in the back of my brain. It’s also what makes me adventurous and willing to set aside reason and logic to meet a reddit stranger and have him naked within the hour….and then enthusiastically agree to consensual rape a month later. All of that just to say that HA said he was amazing at oral, and I had to know what all the hype was about. I told him in advance that I was going to ignore my anxiety about receiving oral and let him have at it…and he did not disappoint.

Meeting my Reddit crush…second cross-country tryst with /u/highavailability. Picture of us! (f/m)

If you're interested in some background, here's the story of our first irl meetup: http://redd.it/39o5gq

This is going to be a quick, stream of consciousness post while we’re rehydrating and coming up for air.

Exactly one month after meeting for the first time and completely and irreversibly rocking each others’ worlds, /u/highavailability and I are together again. We both happened to be travelling to the same part of the country, so we’re shacked up in a hotel room in an unfamiliar city…and all I want to do is capture this weekend in a bottle because it doesn’t get any more perfect than this.

I was waiting for him at the airport when he arrived, but he spotted me first. We melted together just like the first time and held each other so tight and kissed so deeply that I’m still not completely sure how we pulled apart long enough to make it to the hotel.

Meeting my Reddit Crush…Part 3 with photographic evidence

If you’ve missed part 1 written by me ( http://redd.it/39o5gq ) or part 2 by /u/HighAvailability ( http://redd.it/39rq85 ), check those out first. There were a couple of folks who doubted the veracity of our stories or if we’re even two people. As if our completely different writing styles weren’t proof enough, we took a few pics as evidence. http://imgur.com/a/0dJYC

/u/HighAvailability pulled on his shirts and went to open the door for room service while I went into the bathroom to deal with the second load of hot cum dripping down my legs. It was about 7:30am by this point. HA ordered a “Texas waffle.” I’d never heard of such an animal, but it turns out I wasn’t the only one having pork for breakfast. That bitch was about 10lbs of waffle infused with sausage, ham, bacon, and leaking warm cheddar cheese. He doused it in syrup. I was horrified, I was intrigued, I hid behind my bowl of oatmeal.

Meeting my Reddit crush…How /u/HighAvailability rocked my world. Part 1 (f/m)

/u/HighAvailability and I have been Reddit, and eventually text, friends for quite some time. I initially sent him a message because one of his posts made me laugh so hard that I literally had tears streaming down my face at work. (Read this…you’ll thank me: http://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/2xukv1/nsfw_whats_the_weirdest_encounter_youve_had_that/cp3rzfa ).

Casual chat and banter turned into explicit sexting pretty quickly. We’re both witty, sarcastic, and sexually depraved. Our chemistry was immediately intense, and I had the distinct feeling that I’d found the male version of myself. Unfortunately, we live almost 1500 miles apart, so the possibility that we’d ever meet in the flesh was remote. We came close a couple times, but the universe seemed hell-bent on disrupting our plans. Finally, the stars aligned. HighAvailability (henceforth referred to as HA) flew into my city yesterday afternoon. I tracked his flight from my office then left work early to head to the airport. I didn’t tell anybody where I was going or who I was about to meet. I wasn’t nervous until I was standing there waiting for him to walk out of the terminal. It’s impossible to know if virtual chemistry will translate into real life until that moment when you’re actually together. That was exactly what I was thinking about when I saw him walk out of the terminal. A couple seconds later, he turned around and saw me walking towards him. We wrapped our arms around each other, and he said I was more beautiful in person. Without missing a beat, we kissed…in the middle of the airport, and the rest of the world disappeared in that moment. The kiss was deep and passionate, and I felt him getting hard against me as we pulled each other closer. That elusive X-factor was there and so much more intense in person.