My coworker and I [FF]

I usually don’t like posting if its not true.. so I had to wait for some action to post again haha
*Please excuse any typos *

Little back story: My co worker (23F) and I (28F) have talked about messing around but never really happened bcs shes shy and also bcs i never really made a move..

Fast forward.. we are working on a project for work and I have to go upstairs to get some paper. She asks if i need help so i say yes. Im thinking.. this is my chance!! (Nobody goes upstairs, unless its to get materials)

While going up im literally telling myself “this is your chance!! Dont be a chicken! Just do it!!!” So we go and she helps me get the paper. When we are about to walk back down i pulled her hand back and just go for her ass then I reach all the way and feel her pussy a little. She freaks out kinda and is like “omg!! You scared me!” While just laughing. Well she keeps walking and im like “eh at least i tried!” As we are walking to our area shes whispers “omg you made me all wet and horny!” I laugh and tell her good!! and keep working on our project.