Bathtub Man

There once lived a man, who goes by the name bathtub man. He was a man, who was part bathtub, part man. Really looked like a melted man merged with a bathtub. Other than that, he was a good man. Oh he could love, speak, and sing. Most things a real man could do. Except there was one problem, bathtub man was lonely, and he couldnt go anyehere. He wanted company. He wanted someone to love him. For months and months, bathtub man groaned in loneliness. Until one day. A woman came into the bathroom. She said, “oh dear, I heard your moans, are you okay?” Bathtub man replied, oh thank goodness you have come. Ive been here lonely for years, nobody loves me, let alone wants to see me. The girl replied, ” well i’m here now, anything you need, you just tell me”.