Proper place for sext convos? [MF, exh, voy]

Like the title says, I’ve finally had a couple pretty hot sext conversations over the past few days. I’ll just say this….. Once my imagination is provided the right…. Inspiration… I tend visualize very well, and write what I’m assuming is basically erotica, except instead of tell a story about fictional people, I end up describing, usually in pretty vivid imagery, what we’d be doing, and the like. Kind of want a few outside opinions on my writing though, or any input really. Is there a specific place/places I should post, or is here good? Not sure where to go

[MF] My one experience at club Sesso (lengthy read)

Like it says in the title, this a kind of a long story. Was catching up with an ex who messaged me our of nowhere last night, and eventually led me to telling her about the only time I’ve ever been to a sex club. It’s the only time I’ve ever written it out before, the only other few times I talked about it, it was always verbally. Anyways, I’m basically copying and pasting the conversation, so if it’s not up to par, excuse me lol


Unfortunately, and yes, I do mean unfortunately, it only happened once. I took a girl there, we had sex for, I don’t even know how long, and after awhile, she was almost to cum-drunk to even form sentences, while I still hadn’t climaxed even once. That kind of sucked lol

We never had anyone else join us, but I’m pretty sure at some point another woman approached the bed, but I was too absorbed in the moment to really let it click.

Just to paint a better picture….