One of many stories I accumulated during my time whoring around the Army single soldier barracks.

As a civilian I wasn't introduced to the military party life until i was 19 and a girlfriend of mine dragged me along to help me get over a recent breakup I was going through. I was instantly hooked and spent the next 5 years living the wildest lifestyle you could possibly imagine. This is just one of countless stories I have accumulated.

I was 20 y/o and at the time i guess you could say I had a "boyfriend" but I viewed him more as a guy I could go to if I needed something and no matter what it was I could count on him to give it to me without giving him literally anything in return. So one night his roommate was throwing a huge party in their room but my "boyfriend" had duty that night so he would have to miss it.

Around midnight the party hit its peak and as countless faces poured in and out of the room the supply of alcohol only seemed to increase which of course led to my all to common over consumption. Having a year of partying with single military men under my belt had taught me quite a lot but the most valuable thing I learned was this: single military men have money and are all to willing to give it away. So after some trial and error I found my niche; stripping.