Star Wars The Old Republic Sith Inquisitor Erotic Fiction [F] [solo] [mast] [Star Wars] [sci-fi]

I have only gone over this once so it is not super polished and there might be an error or two. I always welcome any questions, comments and constructive criticism. If people like it I might write a bit more of the character. As always I hope you enjoy <3

The showers of the Academy’s dormitory refresher were blessedly empty mid day as Zovora took the opportunity to wash the grave dust of Tulak Hord’s tomb from her scarlet skin. When she had arrived several weeks ago the dormitory had been full to bursting but now there only a handful of student’s remaining. Well, in her group anyway. From what she had observed and heard the slave groups had a much higher attrition rate than the others. She leaned forward into the water and rested her hands against the wall as she arched and stretched in the steaming warmth of it.