[M]y meeting with a [F] millionaire client PART II

Some of you may have read my post from earlier, I’ve attached a link in the description for you if you havent!

First, please excuse errors and mis-spells, Im typing this with just a few spare moments! Thanks!

Once I posted that post to the sub, I went to the bathroom really quick to shake off some nerves, then I casually walked back to our table and took a seat across from her, unsure of what steps to take next.

I was a bit nervous of how to approach the scenario, I wasn’t sure if she was coming onto me, if she was just trying to actually get some work done….ot both!

I’m a good looking guy, I’m tall, dark, handsome. I have some pics up on my profile if you want to get an understanding, but still, I’m not arrogant enough to just jump to conclusions and assume a woman wants me, especially when the lines are as grey as they were during lunch today.

But yikes, did I want her!! Haha

[M]y lunch meeting with a new [F] millionaire client….still happening! 🔥

Theres a lot of details I would love to add in, but I’ll keep this somewhat shorter for now. Its still currently occuring as I write this!

Recently, I started working with a client who happens to be a beautiful woman around twice my age (F55). I usually host first time meets with my clients over a nice lunch, no alcohol, just a nice outdoor patio salad with some sparkling water and a lemon slice.

I usually spend around 2 hours talking about campaign plans etc. I ask some insightful questions and try to come off as friendly as possible to make them feel comfortable, but this meeting has been a bit different.

It took me by surprise at first, because the client (a very successful business woman) showed up to dressed in a very lowcut top, completely free with her breasts busting out it seemed. They were big, and clearly natural, but extraordinarily plump and large and it was pretty hard to hold this entire conversation as I had just gotten out of a 2 hour workout this morning and had testosterone levels through the roof. Not to mention my tantra session from last night still has my arousal on a good peak!