[FFM] Beach Volleyball Tournament (follow up #6)

Hi everybody! Time for an additional update on my gonewild series (I honestly didn’t though it would go that far when I started writing!) If you haven’t read the first size (!!!!!!) parts ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xa7clt/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xjkxnu/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xqmbl2/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_2/) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z8ld0l/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_3/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zkbss8/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_4/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/11cssaz/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament_follow_up_5/)), you should.

For the (2022) Christmas holiday, I already planned to visit my family in Europe for a few months. When I talked to Elsa about my holiday travel, Elsa wanted immediately to accompany me. Jay didn’t seem interested first, but as we started to make the itinerary (a few days in Paris, a few days in Bordeaux, a few days in Switzerland), he got interested and decided to join in.

They couldn’t get on the same flights as me, but we did manage to roughly get the same dates. So mid-December, we end up all in France. And budget restriction… We only rent a single room for the three of us.

And you probably already guessed what happened in those hotel rooms. Yeah. We had threesomes. Daily threesomes. Before that point, it was mostly Elsa and me, and occasionally Jay (maybe once per month). But sharing the same bedroom for 2 weeks… We ended up having sex pretty much every day. Sure, sometime Jay would simply take a step back and watch us having some girly fun, but he was pretty much involved.

[FF][Group] Beach Volleyball Tournament (follow up #5)

Hi everybody! Time for an additional update on my gonewild series (I honestly didn’t though it would go that far when I started writing!) If you haven’t read the first five (!!!) parts ([here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xa7clt/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xjkxnu/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xqmbl2/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_2/) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z8ld0l/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_3/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/zkbss8/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_4/)), you should.

So at the beginning of November, I arrived a bit early at one of our volleyball practices and Jennifer, my partner, was already there. We started to stretch together as we were waiting for our coach.

I felt she was a bit nervous. A few innocent questions, then she asked the one she probably wanted to ask me from the beginning: “For the tournament. Are we all going to share only *one* room like last time?” I answered, “Maybe. Why do you ask?”

She didn’t know what to answer. And I completed: “Is it because about what happened last time?” And she answered: “Yeah… I know we haven’t talked about it since last time… But do you have any regret about it?” I replaced my hairs, tied them. And I answered: “Honestly. No. I really enjoyed it. I had a great time.” I took a pause and added: “I’d do it again. How about you?”

[FFM] Beach Volleyball tournament (follow-up #4)

Hi everybody. When I wrote the first story, I never thought I would write so much follow-up! So I’ll assume you already have read the first four parts I already wrote [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xa7clt/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xjkxnu/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup/), [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xqmbl2/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_2/) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/z8ld0l/ff_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup_3/). But long story short: I am the friend with benefits of Elsa, my volleyball coach.

Mid October, Elsa and Jay invited me to try surfing. So Sunday morning, they came to pick up at my apartment and we drove. We had a very casual conversation. Jay mostly trying to teach me the basic of surfing. We stopped at a shop to rent me a board, a wetsuit, a life jacket, etc. And then we headed to the beach.

We all dressed up. Elsa’s wetsuit was literally perfect for her. It really made her figure looks amazing and so sexy. And Jay, too. Mine, since it was rented, was a bit ample, but nothing exaggerated. The beginning of the day, the wind/waves are not super strong, might make it perfect to learn the basic. At the end of the afternoon, things get more exciting, especially for Jay and Elsa who have been doing this for years.

[FF] Beach Volleyball tournament (follow-up #2)

[Original story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xa7clt/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament/) [Follow-up #1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xjkxnu/ffm_beach_volleyball_tournament_followup/)

So quick summary. My coach, Elsa, invited me to have a threesome with her boyfriend. I accepted… and loved it. And she conveniently left the door open for more.

After that threesome, which we all really enjoyed, there was a flirty attitude that developed between us: smiles, compliments, eye contact. And feeling courted by two persons at the same time is really valorising. So the other day, I was in the locker room after my doing my training, I was coming back from taking my shower to pickup my clothes and get into the dressing room. Elsa walked in. Her hair, her t-shirt was all sweaty from her cycling class she just had finished giving.

When she saw me, she changed direction and came straight to me. She smiled at me, looked around. While the locker room wasn’t empty, it was calm. She leaned in and whispered in my ear with a sexy voice: “Give me *one* reason not to pull your towel right now?” I stayed silent for a second. And I just whispered back: “Pull.” I felt her hand slowly pinching my towel. I instinctively said “No!” so loud that the other girls in the locker room turn their head to look at us. “*One* reason” she whispered again. And I just answered: “I’m available tonight” She slowly released my towel. She replaced one of my hair bangs. She smiled. “See you tonight” she said winking at me and then she walked away.

[FFM] Beach Volleyball tournament (follow-up)

Follow-up of [this story](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xa7clt/ffgroup_beach_volleyball_tournament/).

So quick summary. After losing weight, taking volleyball group classes, training super hard with my teammate for a tournament, I had a lesbian threesome with my coach, Elsa, and my teammate, Jennifer.

After the tournament, after that wild night, we drove back. We chatted a bit about what happened in the car. Two key elements: (1) Both Elsa and Jennifer agreed not to tell what happened to their respective boyfriend; (2) Both Elsa and Jennifer had their experience with girls during threesomes. We also chatted about what was coming up. So, there is another tournament mid-November that we plan to compete in. But we also agreed to take 3 weeks break before resuming training. (Still went to the gym, but just 2 times a week instead of 5.)

During that break, I wrote the first post. (Again, thanks for all the nice feedback!) But it also led me to introspect. Essentially because I always considered myself straight. Sure, I would find some women attractive. Sure, I had that fantasy about women. But I never ever thought that I would get to live that fantasy. The thing is I *liked it*. I mean liked it *a lot*. Every single day since that night, I’ve touched myself thinking about what happened. And I want to experience that again. I’m not bisexual, but let’s say I’m really curious. But here is the thing, I’m shy… And I don’t necessarily feel confident enough to ask a woman out (either through an app or in-person). 🤷🏼‍♀️

[FF][Group] Beach Volleyball tournament

This story starts in 2020. In February of that year, I moved to the West Coast for a new job. So, I’m in a new city, new colleagues, no friends, no family. And then, COVID-19 hit. So, I had no real opportunity to make a new social circle. I guess the only good part is that I had a very well-paid job in a big tech company that could be done from the comfort of my apartment.

In September 2021, restrictions were relaxed where I lived, but still not enough to work in person. I had gained 25 extra pounds. And I decided to tackle that problem first, so I took a membership to a gym. And to be really sure I’m not just going to abandon, I decided to hire a personal trainer… 2 sessions per week for 6 months. Expansive. But that way, I was sure I’d meet my goal of losing weight, at least until I reached the one I had in college.