Vacation after high school 3 – Diving on the grenade has its merits [MF][Public]

If you want to know why I ended up having so much sex with people from my school class during a trip to Greece after finishing high school, just read my other posts.

After the two adventures I already related in other posts, I had sex with other girls, but the circumstances to those times are pretty much not very interesting and the sex was forgettable.

However after our first week, I played wingman to my buddy Tobias. He had a huge crush on one of the girls in our class, Elise, but that one pretty much never went anywhere alone. Always having her friend, Mia, tag along

Circumstances had conspired to give me a reputation as the class Casanova and so I was the guy Tobias turned to for help, as I satisfied two integral standards. Seeing as people thought I was the sex machine, most girls actually were interested how I really was in the sack. The second thing was that at least to Tobias I was the one guy, who actually knew what he was doing when trying to pick up a girl.

Vacation after high school 2 – The sisters [MF][MF]

As established in my [last post](, circumstances conspired to make the two week vacation to Greece after high school with nearly all my former classmates (as is typical in my country after finishing high school), the most sex filled of my life.

No supervision, stupid amounts of alcohol and porn being the only reference point for our group of 18 and 19 years old (aside from some awkward tries at sex, when we were younger than that), made it easy to get laid. However exaggeration and inexperience gave me the mostly undeserved reputation of being the expert lover.

Compared to the other guys in my class I had one decisive advantage, after I had a bad experience with alcohol when I was 15, I was the only one showing restraint, while drinking. So I wasn’t as much a drunk asshole or fool as the other guys, which made it easy to hit it off, with the girls, who drank just as much as the guys.

I ended up sleeping with half the girls and many stories of those two weeks I can post here. Among those events sleeping with two sisters is a good one, though morally it could be called questionable.

Vacation after high school [MF][Cuckolding][a little MFF and FF]

Well I am posting this primarily as a reminder for myself. So here goes.

In my country it is customary for the whole class to go on a trip together after finishing our version of high school. So normally you are 18 or 19 when you take the final exams and go on that trip.

Imagine, if you will, the state of affairs. For most of my class mates it was the first vacation without parents, teachers etc. And since all of us had just passed the most important and difficult exams of our lives to that date, everyone was in the mood to celebrate. All this meant was, there was a bunch of drunk teenagers enjoying their freedom. Except for some floundering first tries in younger days, people had no significant experience with sex and the only reference material people had was porn. So with restraint approaching zero and not knowing any better, the people in my class were quite a lot more liberal regarding any sexual experiences during that time. I ended up sleeping with half the girls in my class and with more than one memorable story.