[M25]F24] [2nd person] [soft mdom] [fingering] [wholselome]

Context: long distant bf finally comes to town, and you already know how you’ll be spending your first see each other again aftert 3 long MONTHS

Note 1: *discoption not needed just thinking your celebrity crush or your actual bf*

Note 2:*skip to doted line to jump straight jn (I don,t blame you ;) )*

You hear a knock at your door on a nice July afternoon. “Coming!” You yell already knowing who it is. You quickly close the distant from you and him bubbling with anticipation, (plus a slight tinge of arousesal) “jeezs already” you think to yourself “you haven’t even opened the door yet” you say laughing at yourself you finally open the door see him standing their all the emotions come rushing in

“How as the flight your flight I’ve missed you”

“Hey babe I’ve missed you, and the flight was fine. Just could wait to get here.” He says hugging tight. You take a big wiff of of him filling you with old memories both good and salacious.
“I’ve missed your smell” you say absientmidedly not letting him end the hug

“Smell? Thought you’d say face or my cocking skills” he says teasing