First Inkling (excerpt) [MF bondage Contortionism]

*Hi everyone. Im sorry my stuff is so long. So i’ve pared it down for your pleasure. I hope you enjoy*

In short order, they learned that her ability to “Turn Out” her hip like a ballet dancer was not just something useful in her improv comedy class. She had known she had flexible hips and had told him so, but it took their first meet, for him to really start understanding what her limber hips could do. Soon their favorite starting position was for her for to lay on her back as she lifted her legs straight up, while he grabbed her tush and squeezed and then plied her outer labia with his thumbs, before leaning his head in to kiss her inner thighs as his hands curled around them, slowly climbing up her legs until his hands and tongue reached her ankles and then he would cross her ankles and fold her legs Indian-style onto her breasts and chest. They would fuck in this position. He would then would uncross her ankles and place her feet sole to sole. Moving her clasped feet onto her chin, he stretched her out into a butterfly-stretch and fucked again. Other times, he would lower her feet, still pressed sole-to-sole, down onto her chest. Her knees would drop down onto the bed beside her as she opened herself up to him. The tops of her toes would touch the bottom of her chin. She wiggled her toes at him. These toes would become the first step in the long road of foot fetishism for the poor bastard.

First Inkling [MF bondage Contortionism]

This was way back in the days when people wrote email the way they still used to write letters. They had met online by first commenting on each other’s blogs. Soon they were emailing in the evening after work/school. They started speaking by phone. They spent countless hours talking the nights away. Her voice was soft: her words sophisticated. Sharp. Droll. Sometimes, over the phone, she would read to him; she read a lot—more than anyone he had known until then, or-thereafter. Both of them were too shy to send a picture, but really, they just enjoyed their time together and didn’t want to ruin things so quickly. Listening to her voice, he became infatuated with her enunciation and tone. Although he tried, he could not imagine—other than her being white—what she looked like.

He bought an airplane ticket and flew to Minneapolis, Minnesota which he had only known about from listening to “A Prairie Home Companion” radio show when he was a kid, as his family would drive an hour, after church services, to Sunday brunch. Usually, his family was able to finish eating and start the drive home in time to catch Mr.Kiellor’s monologue. To this day, one of his best memories of his family is sitting in the backseat, belly full, listening to the story of Bruno, the fishing dog.

The first choke [MF mdom]

Perhaps meet cute is too strong a word for the first time. They talked and after some playful banter and cajoling, they each admitted they had a kink that embarrassed them.

His was picayune and so in a way more embarrassing than hers. He admitted a fetish for both feet and flexibility that bordered on the pathological, if not perhaps straying over the line into immodesty. Luckily, she told him that she had a pedi-mani every two weeks and was so particular about her “rich-lady” shade of pink, that she would also purchase and bring it to her salon. As for being limber, she could always put her palms flat on the floor, and wouldn’t mind being bendier. The stupid grin that grew of his face was the epitome of doofus.

Hers on the other hand made her deeply ashamed. She had been rejected and laughed at when she told her boyfriends, her fiancés. When she told him that she liked to be choked, he met her scared eyes with a smile and laughed, “Is that all?” She started laughing in kind, but asked, “Really? You don’t want to run away?”

“No. How could I?” He replied.

Porn Dick [MF rape, nc, Mdom, contortion] (excerpt from working title)

Strained muscles were the least of the damage inflicted on women that ensued. Torn tendons, ligaments; medial, and lateral menisci—sometimes simultaneously. Dislocated hips and shoulders. Dislocated jaws. Herniated and ruptured discs. Ruptured rectums. Torn perineums. Perforated colons. Fractured pelvises. What wouldn’t break if bent far enough?

In one really sad case, a women—an actual profession contortionist—sat on her own head while her husband fucked her from above, but he feverishly pounded too forcefully, slipped and fell directly on top of her, causing her cervical spine to fracture and leaving her paralyzed. She went from performing high aloft to hundreds of people as an aerial contortionists to now operating her motorized wheelchair with her tongue.

What’s more depressing was when the News got hold of her story and the sad details were revealed. Evidently, she and her husband had been going around and around, arguing, because she was afraid she was going to get hurt letting him fuck her while she laid in a chest-stand on their bed. A chest-stand is where she would lay face down on the bed, then lift her head while also arching her back to bend her legs up and over her head and then fold them down on her back, so her legs would jut out past her head while her buttocks rested directly on the crown of her head. [If you’re reading this and dont actually already know what I am talking about google [keywords: Straight leg, contortion, chest stand], perv. :) ]