The woods [outdoors] [oral] [romantic] [18+]

(I made a shorter, more poetic one for this week, like it?)

They walked in silence through the woods, further and further away from civilization. Occasionally they smiled at each other, but none of them wanted to break the silence, instead keeping the magic of the moment alive.

She carried the blanket and he the basket, but this picnic would be further into the forest than they had ever been before.

They found just the right spot after another 15 minutes of walking, inside a beautiful glen, filled with thousands of flowers in different colors. They put the blanket down over a mossy spot, making it a soft and comfortable place to sit.

Speaking only a little, in hushed voices but with warm smiles, they unpacked the food from the basket. Fruits, sandwiches, a bottle of wine, they ate in silence, admiring the sounds and sights of nature, so far into the woods that no one else was there to disturb them.

After eating, they laid down on the blanket together, side by side on their backs. They stared into the afternoon sky, watched the light, summer clouds slowly grace by above their heads. Without a word, he turned on the side, and gently stroked her cheek.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The Massage [fingering] [18+]

(Another little fantasy I came up with as I was feeling a little lonely, hope you enjoy! :) )

Samira felt stiff all over. She had had a horrible week at work, she was stressed out and to top things off, her long time boyfriend had decided to end things earlier today. She felt like a wreck, and the ad on her phone had seemed like a cosmic intervention. “Relaxing massages, all types.”

A relaxing massage was just what she needed, so now she was heading over to Spring Flower Massage Parlor, a small place she had previously never heard of, to get her well deserved treatment.

The waiting room was small but nicely decorated, and indeed smelled faintly of spring flowers. Samira only had to wait for a couple of minutes before a tall, handsome man came out from the back room, smiling at her. He had beautiful, dark skin, black, curly hair and a well kept beard. His eyes were warm and had a playful glint in them.

“Hello miss, my name is Lance,” he said. His voice was dark and felt comfortable and safe. “Please, come with me.”

The cave [18+] [anal] [strangers] [outdoors]

(I had fun wit this fantasy, hope you like it! Sorry for bad format, posted from my phone)

Panting and snorting, Trisha plodded through the snow up the hill. The wind was so strong she almost fell backwards, but she could still see the cave opening and forced her way towards it.

She had been completely surprised by the snowstorm, which was very unusual for her since she was an avid hiker. The weather report had said ‘light snowfall’. There was nothing light about this, that’s for sure.
Plowing through the snow, she cursed herself for not being better prepared. She had not planned on sleeping outside, so she had no sleeping bag, and not a lot of food. But the way things looked, she might need to spend the night in that cave.
With an exhausted ‘finally!’, she reached the entrance and tumbled inside, slumping down with her back against the cave wall, trying to catch her breath.
Trisha knew the cave well already, she often hiked in these woods, both in the winter and summer, and she had rested here several times before. There was always a pile of dry wood in here, for campers like herself.
After a few minutes, she began building a fire.

The secret meeting [18+] [handcuffs] [blindfold] [oral] [anal]

(Accidentally erased this story in a previous post, sorry for reposting! Also sorry for bad format, posted from my phone.
I fantasized a little and came up with this. Do you like it?)

“When you come home tonight, leave your door unlocked. Put on your favorite lingerie. Put these on, stay on the bed. Don’t be afraid.”

Jessie stared at the note, all kinds of emotions rushing through her body. The box and the note had been placed on her doormat, she found it on her way to work. Anyone could have put it there. Someone from work? A neighbour?
All day she thought about it. She caught herself being unfocused, making mistakes, dropping things… why didn’t she just throw the box away? It was outrageous. No one in their right mind would do it.
But she couldn’t let go of the tingling feeling in her stomach. What if she did do it? What would happen?
No it was insane.
Jessie shook her head until her dark brown hair loosened from her tight ponytail, and tried to stop thinking about it. It was madness to even consider it.
She would place herself completely at a stranger’s mercy, if someone was even to show up. And if they didn’t, she would be in even bigger trouble.
Because in the box, she had found a black silk blindfold, and… a pair of sturdy, leather handcuffs.
The whole day went by in a haze. She couldn’t get those handcuffs out of her mind. Someone had asked her to put them on. There was no doubt that they meant ‘handcuff yourself to the bed”. And blindfolded. She would be crazy to do it. And yet…

The accountant [romance] [risky] [m/f] [oral]

(I often write bdsm erotica, this is my attempt at writing without it. What do you think?)

She was so nervous, her heart pounded so loud she was sure everyone could hear it.
This was the fifth time she was in his office, an open landscape with about eight to ten desks where he and his coworkers slaved away with their different tasks.
He was an accountant, and the first time she met him, he had been assigned to her case to help her with some documents for her new start-up business.
At a first glance there was nothing that special about him. He was not particularly tall, he wore glasses, had dark, brown hair and a short beard. He wasn’t muscular or even that fit, you could call it a “dad-bod” if you wished, only that he didn’t have any children (yes, the second time she met him she had created an excuse to ask him). But there was something, something in his eyes, that had made her weak just minutes after sitting down with him. His smile was warm and when he laughed, she felt spellbound.
She herself was considered a beautiful woman. She had long, wavy, red hair, all natural, and her green eyes made people ask if she wore contact lenses. She was rather slim, but with curves, and she wore clothes to accentuate that. And yet, here she was, feeling as if she had forgotten everything about flirting and acting coy like she normally did when men hit on her.
Because this man hadn’t.
He had been professional, smiling and laughing with her, but never once made any kind of pass or even commented on her looks like most men did.

The Life Long Lessons Chapter 1 [m40+/f20+] [spanking]

(The first chapter in a series with the same main characters, the unnamed woman and the man she lives with. Enjoy!)

She nervously fiddled with her ring as she waited. She had never been in this much trouble before. It was one thing to sneak out to go to a party at Andrea’s, she’d done that before and gotten away with withholding monthly payments, but this… Andrea’s parents coming home, the wild escape out the window that took along the expensive flower vase, the fall into the flower bed that destroyed the expensive gold necklace Robert had bought her when he was in China, and finally being caught by the police and driven home where she wobbled along the roadside in tattered clothes.

Robert had opened the door as she stood there between the two policemen. He had just listened and nodded as the policemen told him how they had found her, and shortly afterwards Andrea’s father had called and told him about the earlier events that he had apparently gotten out of Andrea.
Robert hadn’t said a word to her, just grabbed her arm firmly and led her into his study, then walked out and closed the door.
She couldn’t hear him outside, but she knew that he would soon have to come in and decide her fate.