I fucked my older colleagues daughter [MF]

So I (32M) have been working at the university for a few years now. There is a tradition where I work, which is that the professor (he’s like 50) is inviting the research team out to his summer house for a couple of days. It’s a super nice house by a lake, and you wouldn’t want to miss it. Sometimes it’s just the team, sometimes his family is also at the house and this time it was his daughter Lisa, (19F) that was staying over.

I think it had been like 2-3 days, we had been having some great dinners, swimming in the lake and just spent some quality time with the team. His daughter didn’t seem to mind that we were there, but she was mostly doing her own thing. During dinner I tried to talk with her, just to be nice.

“*So.. what are you doing after summer?”* I asked while taking a sip of wine

*”I’m going to university”* She said while looking down at her plate, she was definitely a bit shy.

“*Oh really? That’s awesome! What are you going to study?”*

*”Computer science, and yes, I know it’s super nerdy”*

Fuck.. I got seduced by my physics student[MF]

I’m an astronomy PhD student (32M) , and about 30% of my time is spent teaching lower level physics classes at the university, most of my students are probably around 18-25 and relatively new at the university. I usually have a very good relationship with my students, I try to help them to study before exams and it’s not uncommon for me to meet them at the student bar and party with them. It has happened before that students have flirted with me, but I have always laughed it off.

But this one girl, this one fucking girl, Sarah, I just couldn’t get her out of my head. I don’t know what it was with her, but it was something that really pushed all my buttons. Whenever I was teaching her class I had to actively force myself to not exclusively make eye contact wit her.

*Was it her looks?* Not sure, she was good looking but nothing out of the ordinary?

*Was it her smile?* Maybe, she did have a great smile and had this ability to smile her eyes when she talked.

*Was it her intellect?* Honestly, might have been the biggest factor, she was extremely smart, social and always showed interest in my research.

My partner is masturbating all the time while working from home [MF]

When we started to work from home, I actually got to see her everyday habits. I did expect a lot of them, sleeping in, procrastinating while she should be working and not being extremely tidy. What I did NOT expect was that it seems that her response to any boredom, frustration or annoyance was masturbation.

She is having a break and don’t have anything to do? Masturbation

She is trying to solve some frustrating problem at work but nothing seems to work? Masturbation

She has to go through 50 unread emails at work? Masturbation

In the beginning I was actually concerned, is her masturbation habits impacting her work life? But it turns out it is not, because it is her way of controlling frustration and annoyance so that she can continue to work and focus. But it did seem like she was not very good at finishing her tasks since she was too busy masturbating all the time. So what would any good partner do in this scenario, well support her of course!

We usually sit next to each other the same table, and it is so clear when she is starting to get frustrated.