That Killer Blue Dress [MF]

My [last story]( got a lot of positive, supportive responses and though it’s been over a year I’ve decided to share a few more stories. These are all real, though I may have misremembered details and added a little dramatic effect. Memory is a funny thing like that. It can make you hate someone you loved, or love someone you hated. It can convince you with absolute surety of an experience even if it never happened. In that way I am only human and nothing more. As usual this is a long read and I’m sorry if not especially interesting. I’ll leave you a bookmark to skip to the parts you want to read.
Not quite a year had passed since she had broken my heart, maybe only a few months. A wounded heart makes you forget time and space, makes you unreal in your own mind. Things blend together and I cannot even remember how much time passed between “Katy” and I’s one tryst and when I could again feel like I was real.

At this time I was working in a cubicle of a small office on the second floor of a financial building. I won’t bore you with details but we worked on the retail sales side of the financial industry and my team was small but hard working.

The One That Broke My Heart [MF]

This is going to be a long one, though I'll try to shorten it as much as possible. You can skip ahead to the sexy part if you want.

I met Katy at work. I won't go into the details, but it was a low-paying job and she was a new manager. You've heard of love at first sight? We hated each other. She hated my aloof attitude and I hated her desperation to prove herself as a new boss.

Looking back makes the rest of the story make sense, when you look at it that way. Katy and I didn't become fast friends. She was the closest thing I had to an enemy at the time, and we were forced to work together by happenstance.

Grudgingly we grew to respect one another. She was a good leader, I had to admit, and never did anything to make me feel like she was just lording her power over me. I was a hard worker and a fast learner and she quickly learned to rely on me whenever she needed something done.