(MF, risky) The Sitter

I am sat watching films in the house of a friendly local couple. Their kids are sleeping upstairs, and they’re both out at different work events. They said one of them would be home by midnight, it is ten past now.

I hear the front door opening, so I turn off the TV and start getting my stuff together. I head to the front door and find Lucy taking her coat off and hanging it up.

She’s dressed to impress, she looks amazing, I normally only see her in a relaxed setting. She’s wearing a black dress that clings to her figure, high heels, and her hair is down showing off the gentle curls that naturally run through it.

“Hi, sorry I’m a little late!” she says. Her voice a little huskier than usual after a night out, making her already sexy southern US accent even more so.

“No problem”, I say flashing a massive smile, “just gave that extra time I needed to finish my film.”
“I’m in no great hurray, I’ve got the day off tomorrow,” I add.

She kicks off her heels and walks in to the kitchen.
“Would you like a nightcap then? I’m not ready for bed yet.”
“Yeah, why not?”

NSFW Madam conference [mff]

(My first story let me know what you can think. Anybody interested in role playing see profile here – https://www.reddit.com/r/DPPprofiles/comments/8pj8i6/35_m4f_english_writer/)

I travel to a lot of sales conferences, it comes with the job, when I was younger I really enjoyed the lifestyle. It can be a real party scene if you want it to be. The industry can be a little incestuous. Everybody knows each other, and you see the same people conference after conference.

These days, I have a family, and until recently was happily married. I still sit in the bar, but now to avoid distraction by milf hunting, hyped up competitive sales types I hide behind a book and a large glass of wine. I prefer quality to quantity now, and use my generous expense account to really treat myself.

Despite the book I’ve lost track of the number of men I’ve had to bat away. Good for the ego, but an annoyance when you just want to relax and let the world go by. It has become easier recently, one of their married number actually turned out to be a gentleman and was interested in friendship and conversation. I met him originally after he helped despatch an unwanted visitor by pretending we had business together, turned out we had a lot in common. I haven’t seen him for a while as he went through a messy divorce, shame. Tonight I’m sat alone as usual reading my book, glancing up from time to time, hoping he will appear.

Categorized as Erotica