Being Watched [FM]

The fall air was crisp coming through the open windows and the porch was inviting as the sun had
just gone down. I settled in to a chair on the patio that faced our neighboring building looking
across the alley. It’s nights like tonight than make me thankful we decided not to buy the condo in
that building. Looking through the windows of the condo we walked through, the porches in the
building across the alley just called to us. Friday nights, 68 degrees, fresh air, and an open bottle of
champagne while reading articles on my iPad are exactly why we decided on this place.

I could hear Natalie stirring out of the bathroom and smell the vanilla and lavender from her bubble bath
fill the evening air so I fill a glass for her, knowing she’ll be out momentarily. These are the nights
we look forward to every week. Letting our bodies rest, our minds relax and unwinding with some
bubbles. As if on cue Nat comes behind me with a hug around the next and a kiss on the cheek. Her
breath smells sweet of the two glasses of champagne she enjoyed in her bath.