Immortal Love, Chapters 19-21 [magical realism] [one man, three women] [“Daddy,” oral, vaginal, S&M] [no incest] [all characters 18+]

# Just here for the sexy bits? It’s all sexy.


**Writer’s Note:**

Hey y’all,


It’s D-U-N DONE. Finally.

Now I have to completely focus on my manuscript, so if I’m responsible, you won’t hear from me soon.

Thanks for reading.


# Chapter 19


I wander around the palace while I wait for Anais. I’ve spent hundreds of years acquiring the art and decor. People think Anais designed the home. They’re wrong. I did.

There’s a sultry, “*Marco*,” behind me.

I turn and find Elise in her silk pajamas — pastel shorts with a short, flowing tank top. My heart thumps hard. It’s the middle of the day. She usually only wears that outfit during the day for one reason.

She extends a delicate hand. “Can you come with me, please?”

When I extend my hand in return, she takes only my index finger. My mouth starts to salivate.

She quietly leads me through the palace, only occasionally looking back with a cute, coy expression. My dick aches in my pants by the time she turns a gold doorknob. I know this room. I know what we’ve done in this room.

Immortal Love, Chapters 15-18 [magical realism] [one women, four men] [oral, anal, lesbian, gay, vaginal, “Mommy”] [no incest] [all characters 18+]

# Just here for the sexy bits? Chapter 17


**Writer’s Note:**


These chapters are mostly for story building, but there’s a bit of sexiness sprinkled throughout.

If you’re just interested in the sex, I suggest chapters 19-21. I’ll post them shortly.


# Chapter 15


It isn’t terrible here. I don’t think the pill I took is going to kill me, and Marco leaves me alone. I’ve also learned more about the palace. The room code essentially manages privacy. Rooms with voyeur holes have decorative gold doorknobs. Rooms without voyeur holes — often called “private” rooms — have smooth black doorknobs. I’m still learning how to navigate through the voyeur cubby halls. All of the bedrooms are so big, they have double doors. If the doors are closed, no one can come in. If the doors are slightly ajar, people can ask to come in. If the doors are wide open, anyone can come in. The system allows for a lot of variations. For example, if you stay in a voyeur bedroom with the door closed, people can watch, but no one can disturb you. If you stay in a private room, but leave the doors wide open, anyone can come in and do what they want. They can watch in the room or participate. Or do both. I haven’t seen anyone leave the doors wide open.

Immortal Love, Chapters 8-11 [less adult nursing] [magical realism] [always at least vaginal] [lesbian, fingering, rimming, oral] [voyeur] [lingerie] [NO incest] [all characters 18+]

**Writer’s Note:**

Hi again folks, thanks for the continued interest!

For any who might need a break from the boobies, there’s less adult nursing in this set of chapters. Chapters 8 and 9 feature Anais, but then 10 and 11 are from a different character’s perspective. You’ll meet Madison.

I wanted to give you another glimpse into Marco’s perspective, but the post was too long. You’ll hear from him next time.

This set of chapters has more dialogue and more non-sexy parts. You’ll learn more about the house and the characters’ personalities. I’d like to caveat that these characters have their own opinions that may or may not reflect my own. There are also more characters to come, so if the perspectives seem one-sided, the story will balance out in the future.

A final note: Rebecca is now named Elise. I updated her name in my previous post.


# Chapter 8


Immortal Love, Chapters 3-7 [adult nursing] [magical realism] [oral, lesbian, gay (brief, and I accidentally tagged the last one with this, soz), anal, hardcore] [NO incest] [all characters 18+]

**Writer’s Note:**

Hey folks. I’m glad you’re interested in the story. Here are Chapters 3-7 for you. Marco is introduced in Chapter 7.


# Chapter 3


I don’t know how Vanessa does it. It’s possible she heard me during my time with Roger and Eliot because my next guess is sweet Abigail, the perfect partner for recovery.

Abigail likes to suckle beside me naked under the covers. I pull the comforter up just under her chin and warm her body. She’s a petite woman, and she told me she “runs cold.” She holds my breast as she sucks my milk in quick spurts, and I pet her hair and kiss her forehead meanwhile.

I met Abigail when she was struggling through a mean divorce. She told me she was just as mean as her ex-husband. It all took a toll on her. She is a wealthy woman, an executive at a large company, so I see her more often. She attends this event every year, and sometimes I spend time with her at home when her children are at their father’s house. When we’re at her home, she likes to watch one of her favorite movies in bed. Sometimes we make love, and sometimes she just suckles until she falls asleep. I stay with her until her alarm sounds in the morning.

Immortal Love, Chapters 1 & 2 [adult nursing] [magical realism] [oral, lesbian, bisexual, gay (brief), double penetration, …others?] [NO incest] [all characters 18+]

**Story Blurb:**

Anais (ann-i-ees) is a wealthy immortal woman with a big heart and bigger tits. She travels the world to comfort mortals with her magical milk and sexual affection. Her husband Marco, who is also immortal and equally fond of sex, stays at home and caters to a handful of random 25+-year-olds. They were lucky enough to find what is essentially a secret sex palace and learn from the very best.


**Writer’s Note:**

Hi folks,

First post in this subreddit.

I don’t see a lot of videos/literature about adult nursing, so I thought I’d give it a shot.

I use this story to clear my head when I have writer’s block for my other stories, so I apologize for anything that is poorly written or doesn’t make sense. If you’re confused about anything, I’d be happy to clarify. Sometimes the story moves faster than my fingers can type. I think many of you can relate, haha.

I have more chapters ready, so please let me know if you’d like me to post more.

A final note: I am a white heterosexual cisgender woman, so the story is from that perspective–unconscious biases and all. Please know that I don’t mean to disrespect anyone. Educate me if needed.