Control – Part 6 [Femdom] [Humiliation] [Chastity]

Part 6

I spent the morning cleaning the house from top to bottom. I couldn’t believe everything I needed to do before they got back. I started with the living room, picking up cups and bowls and any wrappers left lying around. I got out the spray and wiped down the coffee table before vacuuming the large rug that covered the floor between our L-shaped couch and chairs.

Next, I loaded up and ran the dishwasher. Next, I scrubbed several pots and pans and a few cutting boards. Then I scrubbed the sinks, wiped the counters down, and vacuumed the floor there.

I finally crashed and made myself some food, but ate quickly. There was so much to do still and I’d barely put a dent in the list. I took a moment to think it through and decided to get the laundry going because it would take the longest.

I stripped the bedsheets off of the master bed and threw them, along with the sheet I slept with, into the washer. Once it was going, I grabbed a basket to gather up all the girl’s dirty clothes. The hamper in the closet was already half full, but there were clothes all over the bedroom and bathroom.

Control Part 1 [Futuristic] [Chastity] [Humiliation]


*This story takes place in the near future, where in place of mass amounts of medications and prescriptions, some people have opted to have microchips implanted to control everything from insulin, hormones, pain management, and many other things.*

A few years ago, my girlfriend, Maddie, had some issues with depression and anxiety. It became so bad that she was having trouble at work and by the time she got home she was too drained from the day for anything else. After months of struggling, she decided to get the implant to help her. It was unreal how quickly the new implant took effect. She no longer had panic attacks and seemed to feel more talkative than before. The problem was that after she got the chip, Maddie seemed to lose all interest in sex. She was never in the mood, never. We went months without sex.

A few weeks ago while having a few drinks after work, a friend of mine told me that the microchips could be hacked. He worked in the industry and if someone had access to the person’s chip they could manipulate the settings. It was a huge issue with the chips they were working on fixing.

Remembering Hannah Part 6 [ Femdom] [Threesome] [BDSM] [Torture] [CBT] [Trans]

If you’ve been reading this far, let me know what you think of the series. I’m debating whether or not to keep it going or let it rest here for a bit. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the next part of Remembering Hannah.

“Any final words?” Hannah joked.

My heart was pounding now as I thought. I was intimidated sure, but I strangely trusted that these girls wouldn’t ignore me if I begged them to stop. As the thought passed through my mind, I noticed Hannah’s wicked grin fade. It was almost as if she were reading my thoughts.

Her eyes softened ever so slightly, but her stance remained imposing. She was still in control. Hannah leaned in toward me and cocked an eyebrow. “Do we need a safe word?”

I thought silently and nodded.

Hannah placed her hand gently on the back of my head, her fingers caressing my neck. “If you want to stop, just say ‘red’ and we’ll stop. If you need us to slow down, say ‘mercy’, okay?” She looked into my eyes and nodded to make sure I understood.

Remembering Hannah Part 5 [ Femdom] [Threesome] [BDSM] [Torture] [CBT] [Trans]

It took me a bit longer than expected, but I had to cut this next chapter into two parts to fit. So I’ll be posting part 6 in just a few minutes after this. I hope you enjoy it, and please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below.

Remembering Hannah (Continued)

Lacey led me into the first bedroom down the hall where they’d dominated me together last time.

Lacey was dressed in thigh high leather boots that laced all the way up the front, a tight black leather mini skirt and matching corset. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a way that said she was all business tonight.

I was wearing nothing but a steel chastity device locked around my aching cock.

As we stepped in, my eyes fell on Hannah standing with her hands on her hips. She had on black lipstick, something I’d never seen on her before. Her dark hair was pulled back neatly in a sleek ponytail . She was dressed much like Lacey, except instead of a leather mini skirt, she was wearing shiny skin tight black leggings that tucked into knee high leather boots with studs near the toes. And her eyes told me she was ready to start my punishments.

Remembering Hannah Part 4 [ Femdom] [Threesome] [Surprises] [Mental Foreplay] [Trans]

I awoke the next morning, and it took me a moment to realize where I was. I wasn’t in my bed, not even my apartment. I was at Hannah and Lacey’s place still. Both were gone, but I could still faintly feel a warmth in the bed next to me. The curtains were open with the blinds shut, filling the room with a gentle glow. The door to the hallway was open, and I could just hear the padding of someone close by moving around.

“Hello?” I called out and heard the quick shuffling of bare feet and Lacey appeared. She was wearing a cut off tee that showed off her flat toned stomach and a pair of purple bikini cut panties.

“Good morning” she grinned. Her blonde wavy hair hung off to the side and the light hit her dimples.

I smiled reflexively. “Good morning.” I looked around and didn’t see my clothes anywhere. “I…”

“We had a good time last night.”

She looked cute standing there, and I got the sense she was nervous about the next few words to come out of my mouth.

Remembering Hannah Part 3 [ Femdom] [Threesome] [Surprises]

(Due to the character limit I had to break part 2 up. This is more of a continuation of the evening. If you want to know what happens next, let me know.)

My eyes closed again. These girls were going to drain me dry. “I… don’t think… I keep this up.”

Hannah squatted down to meet my eyes. “Don’t worry. That’s why I gave you some of Lacey’s viagra before we started.” She leaned down further and kissed me. It started small, but then her hands cupped my face and the kiss progressed into an intense mixture of passion and warmth. Unlike much of the night, it was tender and made me feel wanted. It was more than just a kiss, it was an embrace.

As my mind floated off in the moment, I felt something else. Lacey was marking a trail on my chest with little sweet kisses. Her mouth found my nipples and began nibbling on them.

I felt my balls tighten and my dick was starting to stir again. As the two beautiful women tended to me I could feel the blood returning down to my cock as it began to inflate. A hand found and squeezed my ass, and the kissing continued. My blindfold was off but my eyes remained closed. I didn’t need to see, I just wanted this feeling to continue.

Remembering Hannah Part 2 [ Femdom] [Threesome] [Surprises]

Remembering Hannah Part 2

I stumbled into my apartment that night sore and exhausted. My head was still foggy and I felt like the last few hours were a dream. Things like that didn’t happen to me and girls like her… Well, I’ve never met a girl like her before. I threw off my jacket, collapsed onto my bed, and slept.

Ten hours later, I awoke and had to pee. I got out of bed and made my rush to the bathroom. The whole way there I found my legs were stiff and not really moving like usual. When I got to the bathroom I shut the door, unzipped my jeans, and that’s when I realized it wasn’t a dream. Looking down I saw my cock and balls locked in a chastity cage. It was made of a hard clear plastic and my dick was swollen inside fighting to straighten itself but unable. My balls were looped through it and it forced them to hang slightly forward.

I touched my balls and they were sore and purple from the abuse they took the night before. A pain radiated from them and wound its way up both sides of my abdomen.

First time posting – Remembering Hannah, a story of surprises Part 1.

Remembering Hannah

I was working a Thursday night in a little shop in the middle of nowhere. It was just off a main road, but everything around it from a little strip club to a burger joint had been long closed. The neighborhood was poor, but not really dangerous. We were the only place to get liquor for a three mile radius, so regardless we got a lot of business.

Most nights you’d see twenty something’s come in for cigarettes after work or later on getting drinks before they’d go clubbing. I was going to college, but I worked Thursdays and every weekend night, so I never really joined the party life. I mostly focused on school during the week and then on the weekends I worked here.

But one Thursday a girl came in that I’d noticed before. She seemed cute. I’d watched enough asian films to guess she was Korean. She was short and her body had curves that looked like she worked out a lot. The first time I saw her come in, she was in scrubs and her ID read “Hannah”, with a picture of her pretending to pick her nose. I laughed and told her it was cute but she didn’t really react. For a moment I thought I had offended her, but then she smiled and left.