Quarantined with the Landlord Part III [MF] [cheating]

PartI–[The Backstory](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ga30xi/quarantined_with_the_landlord_mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

Part II–[Ben and Lauren](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/gbbsku/quarantined_with_the_landlord_part_ii_mf_cheating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)

Anna rolled the stem of the wineglass between her left thumb and pointer finger, cradling the bowl with her right hand. The squeak as the condensation pulled between the glass and her finger tips was the only sound breaking the eerie silence from the empty street. Mike was going to arrive around midnight. A draft of an email to Ben she’d started and stopped ten times was waiting to be finished. Maybe she wouldn’t send it. They should probably talk. Writing would at least organize her thoughts. She reasoned with herself. He doesn’t actually care. Just finish it so you can both move on. The wine was supposed to take the edge off, mute things just a bit. She only had a sip. Gazing off, she wondered if Mike would want tomato soup or two day old pizza.

Quarantined with the Landlord Part II [MF] [cheating]

[Part I](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ga30xi/quarantined_with_the_landlord_mf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)–The Backstory

Ben sat, stunned by the bluntness as much as the information. He was convinced Lauren’s nonchalance had to be an act. But he spent the night with this woman, she was too discerning not to know her husband was a philanderer. But with Stephanie? Either he didn’t care or thought she was stupid. After too long of a silence, Lauren stood up and reached for his glass, “Maybe I’ll move somewhere and tend bar too.” She left the room and Ben stared at the ceiling, formulating what to say. He could tell her what people really thought about Brooks, what a joke he was. No. That would be an insult. He could apologize on behalf of the gender and tell her how amazing she was. No. Neither of them were seventeen. He settled on just saying he was sorry and how unfair it was to deal with such a blow.

Lauren returned, fresh drinks in hand, and sat down. Her cheeks were flushed from the shot she’d taken in the kitchen to calm her nerves. Handing Ben the glass, she crossed in front of him, convinced his eyes followed her ass. “Sorry for the theatrics” she offered with a chuckle.

Quarantined with the Landlord [MF]

It was either day thirty-seven or thirty-eight of state mandated self-distancing. Ben wished he was audacious enough to break-out a sharpie and keep track on the wall. Knowing he needed the security deposit refunded stopped him before he actually got off the couch to look through the kitchen drawers. There probably wasn’t a marker to be had, the apartment was mostly empty. His roommates, Kevin, Stephanie, and girlfriend Anna, had all packed up and headed home when campus closed. The chance of coming back was slim. They took everything with them to save the trip back. Ben was surprised how little he’d contributed to the household. One easy chair, an overturned storage tote, and a shabby card table with equally shabby folding chairs were the extent of his furniture. Anna was kind enough to leave her dishes. It was a nice gesture, meant to say “I’ll get them back from you.” But she was graduating and, before the virus, lined up for a job in Pittsburgh. But now, who knew. The remote possibility she cared about losing out on a hand-me down, chipped, big box-store dish set was not lost on Ben. Maybe they’d see each other again. Neither had been decisive enough to say it out loud, but the lack of discussion about finding a place together in Pittsburgh, Ben looking at schools in Pennsylvania, or anything meaningful beyond the most efficient way to pack up her car said enough.