Corporate Travel has it’s benefits [MF]

Corporate America rarely makes sense. I had worked with Claire for almost three years. We worked at opposite ends of the country and given the infinite wisdom of corporate management, we were paired on almost all of the projects that I had responsibility for. Given the cost cutting measures our company had put into place, I had actually never actually met her in person. I had seen her a few times over Skype during beginning of our close working engagement in the interests of putting a name to a face, but given the horrible state of the network at our offices, it was generally more of a pain than it was worth. So for three years, most of the interactions were over IM or email, and while none of the conversations were ever risque, they were a bit flirty. She liked it when I sent her an email or IM asking for something prefacing it with, “Hey beautiful.” But all in all, it was pretty tame. Most of the time if we weren’t talking about work, she’d complain about her husband not pulling enough weight at home, or asking me how successful my weekend was in terms of meeting women.

[MF] Asian Milfs are Easy

They say that if you’re white Asian girls are the easiest to pick up. While that might be true, I’d like to add a few collolaries to that. The easiest Asian girls to fuck are the married ones between the ages of 35-45 who married Asian men and wonder whether anything more lies in store for their sexual experience. Some of them have had experiences with white men, some have not, that part makes little difference, the ones who have are always itching to try again and the ones that haven’t are curious. They also have the advantage of not feeling the desire to parade you in front of their friends and are just down to fuck. The only thing that might be a bit of a turn off is that most of them have full bushes.

Affairs with my host mother [m/F] Part II

Apologies for the long hiatus, been busy with life as well as other things.

To save people some time a summary of the first story was the following. I was an exchange student who went to school in Shanghai and had sex with my smoking hot host mother because my host father was too busy with work and having affairs outside the home.

The first couple of days afterwards, Su Wen and I didn't speak of what we had just done. I was wracked with guilt, after all I liked Mr. Chen, and I guess that given her conservative upbringing it was ripping her apart inside. However, there was no denying the fact that the sex that we just had was probably the best either of us had at that point in our lives. Before having sex with her, I was a hormonal teenager who was essentially a walking hard-on, but now going about my business was painful. The guilt however was still eating me inside and I was glad that Mr. Chen was traveling for working, making deals to set up some factory in the hinterlands of China.

Affairs with my host mother [m/F]

When I was in high school, I went over to Shanghai as part of an exchange program. I wasn't a virgin at the time, but had slept mainly with girls my own age. However, in Shanghai, I grew to appreciate older women, more specifically older married Asian women. There's something so arousing about knowing that the conservative married woman was deep down a slut and with you around willing to be that slut. There are no games, just hot needy sex, whenever and wherever the opportunity arises.

The Chen's my host family consisted of Su Wen a 32 year old housewife who prior to getting married worked as a translator for a Chinese firm, her husband Hai Yee who was a wealthy businessman, and their three year old son. They had agreed to host me ostensibly to I could help Su Wen practice her English as well as help her teach her son English. But I think it was mainly because Su Wen was lonely.