Meeting my gf [F] friends and their special relation part 2

Well i was locked in that bathroom for around an hour while my head ran down millions of scenarios of how i could have stopped it, every single time my head repeated that picture of Brad cumming down my gfs throat.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I opened the door expecting my gf and was surprised that it was her bff.
I sat back on the edge of the bathtub and she sat next to me saying: „well listen I don‘t like you and you know that but I could tell from your face that seeing how he manhandled your girl broke you inside. Listen I understand that she means a lot to you but usually I do not bother with her bfs but non of them had to witness any of that.“

„what do you mean by had to witness?“ i asked in confusion.

„Well you gf is one of a kind, you know, her past was … we have a deal that whenever one of us has a boyfriend we force the other to cheat on him. But cheat bad. Like raw gangbang parties, bukkake happenings. Once we gathered 20 guys to party with us plus my bf and when he past out from the alcohol we gave him, all 20 men proceeded to cum inside me. Your gf jerked half of them with every hole to keep them ready to finish inside me.“

Meeting my gf [F] friends and their special relation

So last weekend my gf (that I‘ve been together with since about a year)got invited by her bff to a small group chill party. She asked me what i was up to on Saturday and i told her that i hadn‘t planned anything indicating i wanted to join them. She gave me a unsure look and said“ uuuhm yeah i mean you could come i guess, but i dont think you are ready to meet all of my friends yet.. because of them“

I told her to calm and that i am sure i could handle the situation as we‘ve been drinking with her bff before.

So on Saturday we got ourself ready as I wore casual clothing my gf chose a short skirt and a wore a top with no bra as it was not chill enough with a bra. I didn‘t think much of it as i thought it was her feminine friends only.
I asked her why she did not want to wear something more comfy but she said thats fine. She wore her light grey underwear with a smiling cat on it. So no way she planned on doing something after the party.
„Hey babe how about those nice see through tongs so i can get down on you after we get home?“
„Listen we are going to stay there over night and we all sleep in her living room so clearly no“

Spying on my gf [F] spending time with a classmate

So my gf is the absolute opposite of shy.
Her bffs once told me they never thought that she would sattle for one man but today i found out that she still cant.

I was chilling in my room and my gf was asleep from a party she attended last night.

I went through her youtube app for watching videos as my phone is kind of broken.
Then suddenly a message comes up:

Jerome:“ hey girl with fast hands, how about we dont wait for the next party and you show me the other skills you bragged about. Also i need to see and taste what i just touched yesterday“
Attached was a dick pic (black and huge) and then another message „see its already hard for you again, hope your bf did smell your hands 💦“

I layed her phone away in shock and two more messages appeared. I sid not check as my gf got up from the messaging sound.
She walked towards me, gave me a kiss and check her phone. Her eyes widened, she blushed red and mumbled „oh babe yes its our day but i forgot about … i got some work to do with another student.. do you mind if I?
I just nodded and said“ i dont mind, who you are working with?“
„His name is jerome“
„Oh so one guy alone“
„Dont be so jealous, we hang out at party together he is a good friend!“